This week Oleebo wanted to review a “family friendly movie that the whole family will love” but he couldn’t find one. So, the “Oleebo Bootleg Choir” sings about how “bad” Aquaman was. Aquaman wasn’t good in the Justice League movie and this one wasn’t any better according to Oleebo. He says it was so boring […]

DL has a message for all of the MAGA government workers who are suffering from the shutdown, “you are not a victim you’re an accomplice.”  He says you are now feeling the same fear, hopelessness and heartache that people of color and immigrants had when Trump was elected. He does not feel sorry for you. […]

Guys sometimes think they’re a ladies man, but they’re just creepy! They like old photos online and even like to stand really close to women. Also guys, don’t send photos to women if they didn’t ask for them! If she wants to see you, she’ll ask. And if you’re lucky enough to get a phone […]

While women naturally have higher pitched voices, they get deeper around men that they’re attracted to. Scientists believe this is to help them stand out from other women. Science suggests that the deeper the voice the more attracted the woman is to the man. Men also lower their voices around women they’re attracted to. Don’t […]

Did you make a new years resolution? Are you going to stick to it? There are 10 very popular resolutions that are often broken. One of them is of course to start excising, eating right and losing weight. If that’s your resolution odds are you wont stick to it all year. Another resolution people don’t […]

Drunk women say some silly things! But there are 10 that you definitely don’t want to say to your bae when you’re drunk! Do not start telling stories from your crazy college days. That could be detrimental to the relationship. You should probably stay away from confessing your crush on their best friend too. Don’t […]

Your eyes can tell people a lot about you. Scientists believe a person’s eyes can actually tell you if their a psychopath or not. People who are considered psychos have an interesting reaction to horrific scenes, their pupils don’t widen. Non psychopath’s pupil’s dilate when they see stressful or horrific things. So, next time you […]

Have you been cheated on? Are you a cheater? If so you’ll never win because cheaters never win. One of the main reasons cheaters cheat is because they lose trust. Cheaters never win because cheating is lazy, and it compromises their character. A cheater may think that their actions are just hurting the other person […]

Most of us would like a drama free Christmas! One way to avoid any drama on Christmas is to stay away from giving these 10 things as gifts. Don’t give anyone a plane ticket, that may come across as you trying to get rid of them! Do not give anyone a gym membership, that makes […]

American Airlines is trying to make boarding passes a thing of the past! They’re working on allowing passengers to simply scan their faces to board their flights. The system will delete all photos after they’re matched, but if you’re still a little creeped out you can continue to use your old school boarding pass. Don’t […]

For some reason lots of people complain about being single during the holidays. But, it could actually be a good thing! If you’re single you have more time to donate some of your time to the less fortunate. You can also create new traditions for yourself, like maybe you can get drunk and watch The […]

If people make you feel bad because you’re constantly late, the joke is on them because you’ll out live them all! According to a new study those who are often late tend to live longer, happier and more productive lives. So, the next time you’re late tell everyone you were just adding years onto your […]