Sometimes D.L. can upset people with the things that he says. In this case he really upset someone becuase of one very important thing that he didn’t say. In the beginning D.L. was a powerful voice and advocate for Flint, Michigan. He demanded that they people of Flint get clean water. But now, a listener […]

Donald Trump was harder on 5 innocent boys who were wrongly accused of a crime than he is on a Saudi Prince who had a man murdered. He believes the words of lying District Attorneys  and Judges but not the FBI or CIA. He chooses to believe what he wants to believe. Talking about When […]

Sometimes it seems like when you’re single all you can think about is your next relationship. But, don’t forget that there are some pretty sweet perks of being single. You could go weeks without shaving or waxing because you have no one to impress. You can also have your bottle of wine all to yourself! […]

A new study found that women who never marry or have children are among the happiest people. It also found that women benefit less from marriage than men. After marriage men take less risks and live longer while women have to “put up with that” and die sooner. So ladies….if you’re not married and don’t […]

D.L. watched Ava DuVernay’s 4 part Netflix series When They See Us and called it “both the most beautiful and sad thing,” he had ever seen. It tells the story of the Central Park 5; teenage boys who were arrested and convicted of a rape they did not commit. They were targeted and made an […]

Recently Niecy Nash sat down with a group of actresses for a round table with The Hollywood Reporter. The actresses were asked, “what is it that you don’t want to do;” a lot of the actresses said things like “I don’t want to be objectified by men.” But, Nash shocked them when her answer was […]

Lawmakers in Texas have approved a bill that makes it legal for unlicensed gun owners to carry a handgun in public after a natural disaster. For example if a hurricane hits they can carry their handguns with them 48 hours after a mandatory evacuation order. The new law goes into effect September 1, 2019. D.L. […]

Sharing a bathroom is something that most of us do at some point in our lives. Whether that’s with a roommate, sibling, or significant other. But, one thing remains the same…things can get pretty awkward. What happens if you both have to go at the same time? And sharing with bae means you’ll probably have […]

Actor and comedian Jeremy Piven shared that over the course of his career he has felt the most supported by the Black community. He’s rather new to the stand-up comedy world and though there are a lot of people who don’t want to support or believe in a new act. But, he attributes the support […]

All across the country Black people are staring down the barrels of guns. Behind these guns are police officers and citizens with anger issues and racial biases. A recent video circulated on social media really grabbed D.L.’s attention and struck a nerve. In the video a young Black man is being confronted by an officer […]

A transgender woman has become the first transgender person in the world to receive a vagina reconstruction. The procedure was done using the skin of tilapia. It involved making an incision where the vagina should be and then inserting the tilapia skin to create the vaginal tract. Medicine is amazing isn’t it?! Don’t Miss Out! […]

There are some things that we do and experience that are actually making us dumber. According to Bossip eating a lot of sugar hinders our brain function. Social media also has had an affect on our intelligence, the constant scrolling isn’t good for our minds. The number one thing that’s making us dumb is search […]