2/8/18- Sometimes you’re in need of some quick money, but you don’t know what you’d sell. Kym was surprised that Tom would even ask this question because she was a prostitute on the HBO show Curve! Sherri would sell all her deep, dark and embarrassing stories for some quick money and numbers to younger women. READ MORE […]

2/6/18-  Sometimes it can slip out your mouth when you’re not thinking. What do you do? Sherri needs her son to still believe that she’s going to heaven even after her little Staples fiasco. Kym says that cursing is necessary sometimes especially when she has to practice her comedy set in front her son. READ MORE […]

2/1/18- Sherri has her son watch the movies Harriett Tubman, Waiting To Exhale and Cleopatra Jones so that he knows what strong women are! For Kym, she won’t let her son watch Nicki Minaj and Cardi B videos so that he can have some respect. READ MORE STORIES ON BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM: GET THE HOTTEST STORIES STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX: 

1/30/18- When you have kids it means they have friends which also means lots of birthday parties. Kym and Sherri struggle with unofficial/official rule that you have to invite all the kids in your child’s class. Kym does the math of the cost of all the gifts that she’d have to buy for the other […]

1/23/18- Lying is never a good thing but what about those white lies you tell your kid is okay to say? Sherri tells her son that he can never tell a woman that she’s fat even when she ask. Kym tells her kid not to answer the door when the Jehovah Witnesses come through! READ MORE […]

1/18/18- What’s the biggest waste of money you’ve ever spent on your kid? For Sherri, it was the gifts she bought for Jeffrey’s dad because he still took her to court! She also thinks she lost money on sending her son to private school when he said his favorite subject was lunch and recess! READ […]

1/18/18- Lots of single mothers have to deal with this at some point and that’s whether or not their teenage son wants to go live with their father. How does that make you feel? Sherri says it could be good if it means she can dance to Tupac and drop it like its hot without […]

12/28/17- How do you make sure that your kids have basic home training? Both Kym and Sherri collectively agreed to snatch their kids up! Whether it’s gritting the teeth or threatening to slap the Black off them, you discipline your kids in love, right? Like BlackAmericaWeb.com on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

12/21/17- Kym remembers when her mom bought the entire family fake tress from the Home Shopping Network. This year she bought her first real tree to show everyone that she can have a real one if she wants to! Like BlackAmericaWeb.com on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

12/14/17- It’s the holidays and your kids are raving all about it but you’re not feeling it. What do you do? Sherri goes to the strip club to get a dance from her “Santa.” Kym, on the other hand, dresses her son up like an elf and teaches him how to make her “special eggnog.” […]

12/7/17- What would you grab if you had to leave/evacuate your home in a hurry? If Sherri had to leave her home she’d grab her kid and her Spanx’s. Why because she eats when she’s stressed and can’t have anything hanging out! Kym would grab her house phone and her son’s bike! Like BlackAmericaWeb.com on Facebook. Follow […]

11/30/17- Sometimes people are a little ashamed of how their children were conceived because there are some serious stories behind it! In this Black Moms Matter, Kim and Sherri are joined by singer and Black mom Leela James who discuss what their kid’s names would be if they named them after the way they were conceived! […]