Damon thinks, if Joe Biden is our only hope against Trump then we have no hope. He says Biden was a great “sidekick” for Obama and he was lovable but “it’s too late for Joe Biden to be president.” He’s not exactly young, he’s 76-years-old. At 76 you need to go “sit down somewhere” and […]


Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is stepping up her campaign outreach to the black community. The California senator is seeking to mobilize students and graduates of historically black colleges and universities — known as HBCUs — as well as the country’s nine black fraternities and sororities. The effort getting underway Wednesday includes adding a new […]

Donald Trump officially kicked off his reelection campaign last night in Orlando and his base still loves him. Reverend Al Sharpton says it’s sad to see the “regress this country has made.” He warns that if we continue to allow trump to sit in the Oval Office, we could end up somewhere we don’t want to […]


CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Four Democrats vying for their party’s presidential nomination honed in on the economic concerns of the black community during a forum Saturday in South Carolina, a state where nonwhite voters will play a major role in next year’s primary election. Appearing on stage one at a time, Sens. Cory Booker of […]

The 2020 Presidential Election is creeping up on us and it’ll be here before we know it. Right now Donald Trump is leading the Republicans and Joe Biden is leading the Democrats. Reverend Al Sharpton says even though we all want someone younger in office, “we’ve got two old men running against each other.” Young […]


NEW YORK (AP) — Lester Holt and four of his NBC News colleagues will share moderating duties for the first debate of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders. The debate, shown on NBC News networks, will unfold over two nights in Miami on June 26 and June 27. For each night, Holt will anchor the first hour, […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — Beto (BET’-oh) O’Rourke has unveiled a voting rights proposal he says can increase voter registration by 50 million and raise nationwide voter turnout to 65%. He’s seeking to ensure 35 million new voters cast ballots in 2024’s presidential race. The ex-Texas congressman and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate announced Wednesday he’d champion legislation […]

If You Missed It

Today I wanna unpack and explain how I chose a presidential candidate to support. And for me, it’s not so important that you choose who I chose, of course that’d be awesome, but I really do want you to choose somebody. Don’t allow special interest groups to choose for you. This election is too important, […]


DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — In Iowa, one of the whitest states in the nation, more than 100 black Democrats who expect to attend the 2020 caucuses crammed into a tiny community center in the capital city to position themselves as a force in the most wide-open presidential campaign in a generation. “There is hope! […]


Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has penned a new column for the San Francisco Chronicle in which he describes Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign as “hit and miss.” In the column he also referred to previous comments she made in New Hampshire when asked her thoughts on sharing the Democratic ticket with former Vice President Joe Biden. Brown was […]

Before you know it we’ll be casting our ballots for the next president of the United States. One person who wants to keep their name and policies on your mind is Sen. Elizabeth Warren. People have been responding pretty well to her policies online so much so that Roland Martin saw someone on Twitter refer […]


NEW YORK (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is unveiling a pay inequity proposal that aims to close the gender pay gap by holding corporations accountable when men are paid more than women. Harris’ plan would require companies to disclose pay policies while applying for a mandatory “Equal Pay Certification” from the Equal Employment […]