Willie Moore Jr Show

Erica Campbell thinks being blessed being knowing God and having faith in God. What does it mean to you?

Everyone knows that Tyler Perry is pretty much a genius. Recently he announced that he writes all of his own shows, and though the internet had some criticism about that, it works for him. His newest project, “A Fall From Grace,” was written about 4 years ago. Perry told Willie Moore Jr. that he got […]

Willie Moore Jr Show

God is just as powerful quiet as when he’s loud.

Willie Moore Jr Show

Dr. Willie Jolley hopes that kindness leads your path this season. As he explains, “encouragement is like perfume, if you spray some on others, you can’t help but get some on yourself.” Check out the full clip above to get your dose of inspiration for the day!

Nicole Murphy was caught kissing Antwon Faqua, who is married to Lela Rochon. Some people online believe Faqua was justified in cheating because Rochon gained weight over the years. Willie Moore let’s his listeners keep it 100 “the way a women looks is some times a reflection of the way that man is treating her.”

Who doesn’t like new stuff? Of course we all like to have the newest nicest things! For a lot of things there are prime times to shop. Jini breaks down the best time to get a deal on certain large purchases! For example, Willie has been itching to buy a new car! Jini says the […]

Cora Jakes Coleman recently released a new book called “Ferocious Warrior;” in the book she teaches people how to get to their “promise and purpose in life.” Growing up T.D. Jakes’ daughter she was always interested in going into ministry and it also came with “great scrutiny.” Moving into adulthood is difficult for most people […]

A listener asked Willie how they should “deal with someone who is broken.” Willie says the key is to remember to show compassion and not think of it as “dealing with someone.” We need to show them love, compassion and understanding and above all lead them to Christ. No one is “too broken” for Christ. […]

Willie Moore Jr. believes that there is “power in agreement.” So, Willie asks listeners to finish this sentence, “if me and my mate could get on one accord in this area, I think things could be a whole lot better.” One caller believes she and her husband need to become a united front when it […]

There are almost 7 million adult learners in the United States alone. Anyone in school over the age of 25 is considered an adult learner. Jini Thornton says that the very first step is to figure out your “why.” Next, you want to contact your local school and see what programs that they have available. […]

Paisley Rae Moore was born on Nov. 9, and Willie called into the show to tell Big Man all about his baby girl. She wasn’t due until the 24 but God had other plans and by the time he and his wife arrived to the hospital it was time to push! Willie says she has […]

Babies are expensive! The expenses aren’t gradual, they’re expensive as soon as they arrive starting with the hospital, anesthesiologist, and OBGYN bill. Jini Thornton suggest that you get an itemized bill from the hospital because it’s not uncommon for them to be incorrect. When it comes to buying baby items make sure that you always […]