

Got a question for the doctor? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Dr. Dee McLeod’s deep loss is black women’s gain. The cancer specialist with The Sacred Heart Cancer Center in Pensacola, Florida, lost her mother to breast cancer while McLeod was in medical training at Meharry Medical College. McLeod’s personal loss drove her to […]


Every year as the holidays approach, we go one of two ways: We either vow to eat less, eat healthier and be more mindful of our choices; or we jokingly pronounce all holiday meals devoid of calories and fat and just tuck in everything that comes our way. After all, we can always use our […]


Think eating healthy isn’t sexy? Think again. Fruits, veggies and whole grains aren’t just for the birds; they’re for the bees, too. According to an article on Mother Nature Network, foods that are good for your heart are also good for your sex life and the same foods that clog arteries and contribute to heart […]

Got a question about diabetes? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Every year as the holidays approach, we go one of two ways: We either vow to eat less, eat healthier and be more mindful of our choices; or we jokingly pronounce all holiday meals devoid of calories and fat and just tuck in everything […]

Got a question for the doctor? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Dr. Scott E. Henry, a cardiovascular surgeon in the Division of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery Henry Ford Hospital, always seemed on track to great success. He graduated 6th in his high school class of 335; he was president of the senior class and […]

Got immunization questions for the doctor? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — While the overwhelming majority of parents in the U.S. get their children vaccinated according to schedule, about 1 percent of children do not receive any vaccines, leaving them at the risk of contracting serious, even deadly, diseases. According to the federal Centers for […]

Got a question about diabetes? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH) — Experts will gather at the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, Nov. 14-17, for the Global Diabetes Summit to discuss the latest diabetes research and develop a road map for the prevention, detection, treatment and management of the disease, which has been diagnosed […]

Got questions about dental health? Text them to 646464 (OHOHOH). — Cavities and bad breath are the least of it when it comes to the consequences of poor oral hygiene and the lack of regular visits to the dentist. According to the National Dental Association (NDA), dental decay is the most chronic childhood disease and […]

Even though just about everyone knows smoking is bad for one’s health, many Americans, including 21.3 percent of all adult black Americans, smoke. According to data from Legacy, a national health policy foundation, in 2000 just 37 percent of all black Americans who ever smoked have managed to quit, the lowest rate among all racial/ethnic […]

Susan G. Komen for the Cure has partnered with Tom Joyner’s Take a Loved One to the Doctor to encourage black women to get screenings and become aware of the early signs of breast cancer, the most common found among African American women. While white women are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, […]

When you hear the words “forensic psychiatry,” you most likely think of shows like “CSI” and “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” or those FBI profilers who come on news programs to discuss the psychology of a serial killer. It looks pretty sexy on a crime solving series, but forensic psychiatry is much more basic in […]

There are better meals in school cafeterias this year, thanks to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, designed to fight child hunger, combat obesity and improve the health and nutrition of the nation’s students. Schools are phasing in new nutrition standards over a three-year period, starting with lunches in this first year and moving […]