Money Mondays

Tom: Good morning, Mellody Hobson! Mellody: Good morning! We are talking about retirement again today and this time we are focusing on Generation X. Generation X is made up of those of us who were born between 1965 and 1978. At this point, this generation is in the prime of their careers, and probably earning […]

Tom: Today we are going to start a short series for Money Mondays focusing on the retirement landscape for different age groups. Mellody: That is correct, Tom. This month has seen a number of stories emerge about how retirement is changing for many Americans. Whether it is Social Security’s cost of living adjustment, or recent reports […]

Tom: A very interesting topic today: we are talking about the changing profile of America’s Black consumers.  Mellody: We certainly are, Tom! Nielsen recently released a report on the growing influence of Black households in the United States, and the results are really quite stunning. Across a broad range of topics, Black Americans are making […]

Tom: This morning, we are talking debt ceiling, correct? Mellody: We are, Tom. It may seem like déjà vu all over again, but the debt-ceiling squeeze is back. Treasury secretary Jack Lew has said that the debt ceiling needs to be raised in two weeks, by November 3. As you know, the last few times that […]

Tom: You are joining us this morning to talk about Volkswagen? Mellody: That is right, Tom! I figured with the size of this recent recall, and the size of your audience, we are bound to have some people impacted by this story, and by other recalls that will inevitably pop up from other companies. But […]

Tom: You are going to give us the scoop on the new chip and pin cards this morning. Mellody:  You’ve got that right, Tom. Many of our listeners have likely already received new cards in the mail that contain a microchip. If you haven’t, you will soon. The reason you are getting a new card? […]

Tom: You are joining us this morning to talk about the recent Fed decision on interest rates, is that right? Mellody:  That’s right, Tom Joyner. The current short-term interest rate is still near zero after this past federal open markets committee meeting, keeping it where it has been for nearly seven years since the great […]

Tom: We have a very important topic for everyone this morning – open enrollment! Mellody: You are absolutely right, Tom. It may sound mundane, but the open enrollment period is right around the corner. For those who may have forgotten, this is the period each year where employees are able to adjust their benefits options, or […]

Tom: This morning we are talking about low oil prices, is that right? Mellody: It sure is, Tom. This past week, the price of a barrel of oil fell again, and for the second month in a row is under $50 per barrel. We have not seen oil prices stay this low for this long […]

Tom: Very interesting topic today – we are talking interest rates and race? Mellody: That is correct, Tom. A study published in july found a significant discrepancy between the interest rates that people of different races are charged on home mortgages. Black americans pay higher interest rates that white americans who have the same financial background. […]

  Tom: This morning you are talking about the shake up in telecom, what it means, and what to look out for.  Mellody: This is a big story, Tom. Over the past two years, we have seen the telecom landscape change at a breakneck pace as the industry has tried to react to changes in […]

  Tom: Greece has been dominating the financial headlines and roiling markets around the world, what is going on? Mellody: That’s right, Tom. This week saw welcome headlines in Greece and Europe, as the country and its lenders reached a last-minute agreement to quiet the Greek debt drama. Before the financial crisis in 2008-2009, the […]