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If your life is being turned upside by the coronavirus, you’re not alone. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring short stories of families who are coping with the effects of this worldwide pandemic. Today is the story of single mom, Asha.

If managing spring break with four teenagers seems like a task, throw in a teenage niece, a weather forecast of rain all week and a pandemic, and you’ve got the recipe for no less than an “exciting” week. Today started with an early morning hunt for toilet paper. I thought I had enough, but when my niece came to stay at the last minute, getting more toilet paper became my top priority as soon as I opened my eyes. No luck. I’ll set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. and try again tomorrow.

Day one has been good so far. Monopoly, karaoke, Connect Four, Just Dance for the kids. As a freelancer, I was even able to get some work done. But I know the longer we’re holed up at home, unable to go bowling or to the movies, the boredom (and irritation that siblings inflict upon each other), will eventually set in. That’s why I plan on putting the kids on a daily schedule of schoolwork, exercise, chores, limited screen time… I’m soliciting prayers from the congregation.

How are you and your family coping with coronavirus? Post your journey, tips or videos on social media and tag us using #WYNTKCoronavirus.