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Multiple deaths were reported after a newly constructed bridge built for foot traffic in south Florida collapsed on Thursday afternoon. The bridge, located on the campus of Florida International University in Miami, was estimated to weigh more than 950 tons and trapped vehicles traveling beneath it at the time of its collapse, the Miami Herald reported.

While the number of people killed in the catastrophe was not immediately known, MSNBC tweeted that there were “mass casualties.” One woman told the Herald that “it was immediately clear to her that several people were dead.”

Stunning video footage and pictures of the disaster quickly spread on social media.


“We are shocked and saddened about the tragic events unfolding at the FIU-Sweetwater Bridge,” FIU spokesperson Maydel Santana-Bravo said in a brief statement. “At this time, we are still involved in rescue efforts and gathering information. We are working closely with authorities and first responders on the scene. We will share updates as we have them.”

No cause of the collapse was immediately announced for the bridge, which was scheduled to be officially opened for pedestrians at some point next year.

The Miami Herald reported that the span had been billed as an “instant bridge” that “was installed in a single morning at Southwest 109th Avenue on Saturday, intended eventually to link Florida International University’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus directly to the small suburban city of Sweetwater, where the university estimates 4,000 of its students live.”

Witnesses to the bridge collapsing said they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“As soon as I looked outside, I saw dust flying everywhere,” Tiona Page told ABC News while describing the screams she heard from victims. “I knew the bridge had collapsed.”

The bridge had a completion date of January 2019 and cost more than $14 million to build, according to ABC News.

This is a breaking news story. It will be updated as more information becomes available.


Here’s Everything We Know About The Deadly Bridge Collapse In Miami  was originally published on newsone.com