4. Protein. Often when people are training, they may rely on a diet of high protein to lose weight and gain muscle. However, too much animal protein intake can be dangerous because it causes your body to produce a hormone insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This hormone causes several effects including accelerated aging and increased risk for cancer (specifically breast cancer) especially when IGF-1 levels are high. According to a study published in the Cell Metabolism Journal, individuals were 4 times at risk for cancer-related deaths and mortality increased by 75% for people getting 20% of their calories from lean animal protein versus 15% or less. As an alternative, you can get protein from plants, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

5. Spinach.  Spinach is good for you, but the oxalate found in this green vegetable can be harmful. Spinach contains all kinds of good nutrients. It has protein, fiber and is also high in lutein, which is a carotenoid that helps with age-related muscular degeneration. However, spinach also contains oxalate which can cause kidney stones to form in your body. If you have calcium oxalate kidney stones, you should avoid too much intake of spinach.

6. Water. Water is great for you, but if you are urine is always transparent, read on. Hydration is beneficial to your health, however, too much water can cause intoxication. Why? Too much water can dilute the sodium in your body and lead to an abnormally low blood sodium level. This causes impairment in your brain functions and can also result in death. Your water intake may vary depending on several factors. But, if your urine is always transparent, reduce the amount of water you are drinking.


7. Soy. Vegetarians, I am speaking to you! Soy, taken in moderation, is good for controlling your cholesterol levels and reducing your blood pressure. But, soy can also impact your body’s ability to absorb iron. Excessive intake of soy can lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Because isoflavones, which is an estrogen-like compound is present in soy, you have to be cautious of how much soy you have in your diet. Long-term intake of soy can cause endometrial hyperplasia, which is a proliferation of the uterine lining and can result in uterine cancer. If you take in two servings per day or less, this will constitute enough soy.

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7 Good Foods That Are Bad If You Eat Too Much  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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