3. Meal prep

One way to adopt a vegan diet on a budget is to find recipes that include multiple servings for a low cost. This way, you can prepare several meals that’ll last you throughout the week, also known as meal prepping. Start by using foods that are already in your kitchen, like vegetables and rice.

At first, meal prepping may feel something like repeating Thanksgiving dinner for two weeks after Thanksgiving, which we all love. But, the more experienced you become with preparing vegan dishes, the more creative you’ll get.

“Bought in bulk whole grains and beans can cost just pennies per meal. And because they are full of fiber, they make you feel full and satisfied (put them into soups, stews, salads, burritos, etc.), without the dangerous saturated fat of animal protein,” Fretson said.

We brag about using seasoning in our foods, right? Well, there’s nothing like a good vegan recipe, where we can’t rely on meat for flavoring, to test out our true cooking skills.

Recipes to consider:

  • soups
  • stews
  • salads
  • burritosd

Tip: Sometimes, frozen fruit can be more expensive than buying fresh fruit. But, if you buy it fresh, you can clean it and freeze it yourself.

4. Substitutes

Meat and dairy substitutes are another area where things can get costly. It can also become counterproductive if your goal is to obtain a healthier diet, considering many of them are processed and high in sodium (like the real thing). Keep in mind that all vegan foods aren’t healthy.

If you must use a meat or dairy alternative, shop the sales and regularly check the clearance section. Actually, this is a good idea for your entire grocery list. Avoiding substitutes, when they aren’t on sale, is a good way to save and keep your diet healthy. It’ll also help you to maintain your appreciation for alternatives to meat and dairy products when they’re on sale again.

Tip: Swap out frozen fruit for fresh fruit. Sometimes, frozen fruit can be more expensive than buying fresh fruit. But, if you buy it fresh, you can clean it and freeze it yourself.



Eat Vegan (And Eat Good!) On A Budget  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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