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By now Thanksgiving is  a distant memory and hopefully you’ve recovered from your dietary indiscretions and over indulgences. But Christmas is right around the corner, filled with more rich hors d’oeuvres and temptation.

Managing diabetes can be especially challenging during the holiday season. There are so many more opportunities for you to overindulge.

The following 10 tips are designed to help you get through the holiday season sensibly – without deprivation or guilt. Most of all, with your blood glucose (sugar) in good control.

MUST READ: Grocery Shopping With Diabetes – How To Do It Right!

  1. Enjoy traditional holiday foods: Depriving yourself of special foods or feeling guilty when you enjoy them isn’t part of a healthy eating strategy. Forget the “all or nothing” mindset and enjoy small portions of your favorite holiday foods. Just be mindful of the carbohydrate count.
  1. Slow down and savor your food: Concentrate on eating slowly by putting your fork down between bites and savoring the taste and companionship during the meal. It takes at least 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full. End result – eating slowly will help you stop eating before you feel bloated and stuffed.
  1. Be selective: Choose to explore new taste and flavors. Don’t waste calories and carbohydrate on everyday foods, like mashed potatoes or broccoli.
  1. Plan ahead: If you are invited to a party, call ahead for the menu. Offer to bring a dish you can enjoy without guilt. Eat a small snack about 1 hour before you to the party so you don’t arrive too hungry. Schedule your exercise before you schedule other holiday activities. Be flexible and remember, if you don’t plan exercise time it won’t happen.

10 Holiday Survival Tips For Diabetics  was originally published on

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