This question is for the doctor. If your pap results said you had some abnormal cells, but you’re not experiencing any discharge or infection, is that a sign of cancer? I’ve had a hysterectomy.

Pre-cancerous (or “abnormal”) cells are unrelated to any symptoms of infection. This is one reason that routine Pap smear screening remains important, even after hysterectomy. Cancer of the cervix is largely due to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) occurs when the precancerous cells have been undetected or untreated and progress. Follow up dutifully with your healthcare provider in accordance with ASCCP (American Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology) guidelines for abnormal Paps.

Is it safe to use the products Vagisil Ph and odor block washes and the Rephresh gels ?

Yes, these products are safe to use as directed.

Why does my vagina have a musty smell every morning and sometimes throughout the day?

The odor of must can indicate sweat and bacterial buildup overnight and throughout the day. Using baking soda in your panties can be useful in eliminating odor. Also, be sure to wear cotton-lined panties.

How do you determine the right balance of vinegar and baking soda?

Use either one or the other product, not both. Many West Indian woman have passed on the tradition of homemade douches, but if you are unfamiliar with preparation (although there are YouTube directions for everything) I would advise

using a store bought pre-prepared douche with the desired ingredient.

My 15-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with PCOS. After reading some of the side effects for the meds she was prescribed, I’m not a fan. What are some alternative meds or treatments?

While spironolactone can have undesirable side effects for adolescents, birth control pills can regulate her cycles and create hormonal balance. Weight management and loss of excess body fat is the natural way to minimize the symptoms of PCOS.

I am a 60-year-old woman and sometimes when I have sex, I see slightly pink blood my GYN doctor said it’s because my blood vessels are thin and I need to use a lot of lubricant. Is that common?

Yes, postmenopausal women experience less moisture and elasticity, thus the effects of friction are intensified. This is reduced by use of both foreplay and lubrication during sexual activity.

I’ve had an IUD for over a year and I’ve had a daily discharge with no odor but yellow in color. Is this normal?

Yes, it is common for women with an IUD to form a protective cervical mucous which is often yellow. This is harmless.

What  is it about your period that gives you pains?

Menstrual cramping results from multiple factors which include fluid retention, production of chemicals causing inflammation of pelvic tissues, nerve hypersensitivity, muscular spasming and intestinal bloating and/or cramping.

Are there any other products similar to Vmagic that do not have olive oil, which I’m sensitive to?

The product recommendation depends on the exact symptom(s) you are treating in using Vmagic. Dryness can be treated by over the counter products or hormonal prescribed products.

When is a discharge bad?

Any change in vaginal odor, amount or color of discharge should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Is it unusual for a woman’s vagina to get tighter as she gets older even before the age of 40?

No, vaginal “tightening” does not occur pre-menopausally due to age. Lack of vaginal elasticity or moisture can be due to many factors, and is best determined under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

What should be known about vaginal reconstructive surgery?

This category includes many surgical options depending on prolapse, bladder symptoms,and history of childbearing. Risks are numerous and based on patient risk factors as well as surgical technique. The procedure should be performed by a Board-certified physician.

I can’t find ANY condoms that don’t irritate my vajayjay! Will there be a study for women with allergies to not only latex but the other alternatives as well?

Great suggestion! You should become your own lobbyist to the condom companies to sponsor such a study.

Hi, Dr. Amerson, I seem to get a bacterial infection every time I have intercourse with my mate. Everytime I go to the doctor for it that’s exactly what it is. Does this mean we have to use condoms all the time or is there something else that can be done?

If your health care provider is diagnosing recurrent BV, you may benefit from a different treatment regimen, including treating both partners, preventive treatment, and/or longer duration of treatment. Probiotics containing acidophilus are an excellent way to maintain normal vaginal pH and prevent BV.  They can be found in grocery or drug stores.

How much blood loss is considered abnormal during your menstrual cycle?

Normal menses requires a woman to change her pad or tampon 3-4 times daily and lasts 3 to 6 days monthly. Symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, or craving ice during menses indicate anemia which can be caused by heavy menses.

What causes a yeast infection?

An imbalance of normal vaginal pH can result in an overgrowth of yeast. This can be caused by medical conditions, antibiotics, hormonal change, hygiene, diabetes or clothing and products affecting the genital area

Doctor, is taking a bubble bath from time to time a problem?

It is safe to take baths regularly, including bubble baths.

As a diabetic, I have issues with recurring bacterial vaginosis. Are there any over-the-counter products that can help instead of going to the doctor?

Diabetics are generally prone to yeast infections, not BV. Therefore, your healthcare provider should clarify your specific risk factors to prevent recurrence.

Should you use soap to clean the vagina?

It is harmless to clean the external vulva with the same soap product used on the rest of the body.

Are there many risks associated with having endometrial ablation?

Risks of this procedure depend on: age, reproductive & family history, recent Pap and biopsy and ultrasound results. It is a good option for women with heavy menses or abnormal bleeding (without pathology) who

have completed childbearing.

Is coconut oil a good lubricant for sex or for vaginal dryness after menopause?

While coconut (or almond) oil can be used externally for vaginal dryness, I do not advise using it as a sexual lubricant (or any other purpose for which it would be placed internally in the vagina) because this can change the normal pH balance of the vagina and lead to infection.

Is it possible to get rid vaginal fibroids w/out doing surgery??

Generally, the answer is no; meaning, there are no scientific studies proving nutrition, herbal supplements, or any other lifestyle change affects fibroid presence or growth.

Leupron is a prescription hormone (given intramuscularly by your healthcare provider) which is given over 3 to 6 months to temporarily decrease the size of fibroids in preparation for surgical removal. This regimen preoperatively can prevent hysterectomy and blood transfusion during surgery. But Leupron alone is not a long term solution to the existence of fibroids.

When a woman has a small vaginal opening and experiences discomfort and pain after long periods of abstinence is KY the only lubricant helpful for relief of discomfort during intercourse?

Firstly, lubricant is not the only option to this symptom and possible anatomy. Under the guidance of a healthcare provider, a woman can use vaginal dilators to achieve long term vaginal elasticity, preventing the discomfort of a small introitus.  Also, post-menopausal women may need a hormonal vaginal cream to increase vaginal moisture and elasticity. Non-hormonal creams can be used for vaginal moisture several times weekly (in the absence of sexual activity). These over-the-counter products include RepLens and RepHresh.

What exactly is endometrial ablation and are there any risks delaying the procedure? I have insurance but still have to pay around $900 out of pocket. Is there any urgency to having it done?

Endometrial ablation is elective surgery, thus non-urgent. Risks of delay of the procedure are based on the pre-operative counseling you received from your health care provider, including your recent pathology and ultrasound results. If you are bleeding heavily on a regular basis, then you are at risk for anemia and should be taking iron & Vitamin C regularly.

Can a vaginal contraceptive ring cause infections and back pain?

The vaginal ring can cause a change in the pH balance of a woman, leading to infection. This could be determined by this woman comparing the incidence of infection that she experiences during months with versus without the contraceptive ring. Back pains are not related and should be evaluated by a health care provider.

What about women in menopause and vaginal discharge? What can be done about that?

The treatment and solution depends on the discharge, which should be evaluated by a health care provider doing a speculum exam to collect a wet smear and vaginal culture.

I haven’t been active since June 2010. What can I expect when I decide to share my body again?

The sexual experience will depend on many variables, which include your age, hormonal and reproductive status, psychological and emotionalwell-being as well as sentiment towards your sexual partner, and, of

course, TECHNIQUE, during the act.  Use of foreplay and lubrication can ease discomfort due to unnecessary friction.

Is Norforms healthy to use?

Yes, when used as directed.

What should you use if you’re allergic to all condoms?

It is highly unlikely that one is allergic to ALL condoms. Irritation can be due to multiple factors that occur during the sexual act. Since condom use is the only protection against STD, a woman should consult her healthcare provider to truly diagnose an allergic reaction vs. infection or irritation.

What does it mean to have two periods a month?

Any bleeding outside of a monthly cycle is considered abnormal and can be due to many causes including abnormal Pap smear, hormonal imbalance, fibroids, polyps, pregnancy, or cancer.

Is it normal to go months without a cycle…?  It’s been five months and I’m not pregnant.

Some women experience long periods of time without menses due to hormonal or chemical imbalance. This imbalance can be caused by perimenopausal state, polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid imbalance, adrenal conditions or steroid use.

Question for the doctor: Should women ALWAYS wear cotton crotch panties?

Yes, this allows the vagina to “breathe” and prevents buildup of moisture from discharge or sweat.

Should women use peroxide to douche?

Absolutely not; peroxide should only be used externally as it is too harsh for any internal use.

Is it normal to have an ammonia vaginal smell? I’m 52 yr old and I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago.

Yes, this may be vaginal or urinary and  should be evaluated by a healthcare provider collecting cultures from the urine and  vagina, along with a thorough history and examination.

After a total hysterectomy should I be spotting?

No bleeding is not normal and should be evaluated, preferably by the surgeon who performed the hysterectomy.

Do you run any health risks performing oral sex?

Yes, oral sex can transmit oral herpes amd open oral or genital lesions allows transmission of bloodborne STDs (like hepatitis & HIV).

I can’t get rid of bacterial vaginosis!!! Help!!!!!

Persistent and recurrent BV can occur. You need to have regular visits with a consistent healthcare provider who does a pelvic exam and collects a wet smear and vaginal culture. You also must note patterns relating to sexual activity or menstrual cycle, both of which make vaginal Ph more acidic, which can lead to BV. BV must be treated by prescription medication, the regimen varies depending on duration of symptoms and other factors. Probiotics can be preventative.

Are  there any over-the-counter medications you would recommend for yeast infections and bacterial infections?

Bacterial infections must be treated by prescription. All over-the-counter medications for yeast are “created equally.”

What if your vagina has the smell of raw eggs?

This is likely due to infection and occasionally is due to foreign object in the vagina.  It should be evaluated by a healthcare


My wife gets infections after oral sex. Why?

Infection is unlikely after oral sex unless you have oral ulcers. It is more likely that she experiences irritation, swelling, and/or redness due to excessive friction.

What can cause an odor in the vagina other than lack of personal hygiene?

Infection is the #1 cause of vaginal odor. Blood and semen can also cause odor, or he odor may not be vaginal in nature (i.e. urine or fecal odor in the genital area).

Does the amount of pubic hair you have affect your vaginal health? And what is the best form of hair removal?

That factor alone does not determine a woman’s vaginal health. However, multiple factors can combine to create a risk for vaginal infection. Best type of hair removal depends on skin type, hair type, allergy status, and hygienic technique.

How many times you should a woman receive oral sex if she wants to maintain vaginal health?

Oral sex with a consistent partner depends on each partner’s libido and comfort level. There is no inappropriate frequency. However, unprotected oral sex with multiple partners presents exchange of many different oral and genital bacteria. Since each woman’s exact vaginal flora is unique, this ” mixed bag” raises every woman’s risk for irritation and infection, even in the absence of STD’s.

What causes a woman to go dry during sex using condoms?

Dryness during intercourse is due to the combination of too little lubrication (natural or artificial) and too much friction. There is nothing wrong with using several techniques to avoid dryness which can lead to further swelling and irritation or even broken skin or tissue. These techniques are: take sexual intermissions (like boxing rounds), use over-the-counter lubricants (try Wet Platinum) and increased foreplay.

What is your opinion on vaginal mesh?

This is a supportive artificial tissue. It’s usefulness depends on the symptoms for which it is being used. Risks depend on thorough pre-operative evaluation by a Board-certified physician.

How does oral sex affect Ph balance?

The interaction of saliva with the male or female genitals should not change the pH balance.  The use of foreign substances, food, liquor, or other things during oral sex can change the pH balance of the vagina.

I am currently taking Invokana and suffer from recurrent yeast infections. My blood sugar is controlled but I need monthly treatment for infection. Am I harming myself?

Invokana, a medication for Type 2 Diabetes, can cause increased susceptibility to yeast infection, however if the patient achieves improved blood sugar control, the incidence of yeast infections may decrease.  It is safe to to take a short course ( 3 to 5 months) of monthly preventive medication. However, I would not advise long term prophylaxis as the total solution, as it may simply cause growth of resistant yeast if the diabetes remains poorly controlled.

If a woman has reached menopause and doesn’t have a partner, is it good to masturbate to keep the moisture and if so how frequently?

The onset of menopause does not require masturbation or sexual intercourse for the maintenance of moisture. A woman should note changes that may occur to her skin texture and sensitivity, pubic hair thickness & growth, and urinary habits, as all of these factors affect vulvar dryness and/or discomfort. Internal vaginal moisture is generally not a symptom postmenopausal women complain about in the absence of vaginal penetration.

My wife seems to always come on her period days after us having intercourse (which is not often) even when it’s not her time, what could be the cause of this?

She needs to be evaluated by a healthcare professional for likely anatomic or pathological abnormality. The diagnosis could be abnormal cervical cells, or a benign appearance of the cervix associated with easy bleeding, fibroids, polyps, or infection.

This question is for cleansing purposes only. After unprotected sex with your mate , is it OK to cleanse the vagina with a water solution or just let it naturally drain?

It is not advisable to do any sort of internal vaginal douching within 24 hours of intercourse. Live sperm (which are housed in the vagina for up to 72 hours after sex) swim upwards, looking for an egg to fertilize. They enter the womb and fallopian tubes. Thus, any forceful injection of foreign liquids into the vagina could propel bacteria, yeast and other particles further up into the female reproductive system. The human body can clean it’s openings/orifices except in the case of infection, irritation, or allergic reaction.

What is the best way to prepare for a pregnancy at 38 years old?

Firstly, a woman should schedule a pre-pregnancy counseling visit with her health care provider. This allows her weight, BMI (body mass index), medical and surgical history, reproductive and family history, and her physical examination to create a personalized profile of counseling for pregnancy.  Women of all ages who are planning pregnancy should take multivitamins with 1mg of folic acid, get adequate sleep, reduce stress, and begin to improve cardiovascular conditioning  (i.e., walk for 30min three times weekly).

I’m 45 years and after my menstruation I get a real bad itch, is there some kind of cream or something I can put on?

You can use over-the-counter products for genital itch, such as Vagisil itch. The symptom may be caused by excessive buildup of moisture in the pubic area. If so, changing the sanitary pad more frequently, use of a small amount of baking soda in the panties, or use of different clothing and/or cleansing products during menses can reduce or alleviate the symptom.

I am allergic to latex so use lambskin condoms but you said they don’t prevent STD’s. What should I use?

Use regular latex-free condoms.

What do you think about the vaginal herbal detox tampons?

I do not advise use of these as they can increase susceptibility to infection.

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