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‘Rejoice, We Are Alive!’

“I am deeply, reverently thankful for the life I have been given.” While this thought goes through my mind on a daily basis, once a year, a holiday is observed around it. We stop working at our jobs and gather together with our families, friends, and loved ones to eat a feast and acknowledge our gratitude for our beautiful lives and our abundant bounty.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is the only one that says “Thank You” in a universal way without erecting barriers based on religion, nationality, color or creed. Thanksgiving is “pure.” We can heal our hearts, our heads, our relationships and our planet by dwelling heartfelt in a vision of thankfulness. One cannot be mean, greedy, hateful or destructive and thankful at the same time. When one is thankful, one is reverent and respectful. Concentrating on this one thought, “Thank You,” as a global community, we could heal our world.

In everything I read today and every lecture I hear, our teachers are warning us of the grave damage our technological civilization is doing to our planet, Mother Earth, to our ecosystem, our plants, animals, air, water, and to ourselves. Let us join together today and begin the healing process by seeing the “solution” in our vision as a picture in our mind’s eye. Visualize the earth surrounded by healing, loving light, being nurtured and loved, respected and joyfully tended. Hold this picture steady and long. Conjure it up often and create this healing energy in the atmosphere. Create this vision in groups, in our churches, and in our assemblies. It is not bounded by religion, nationality, or creed. It is boundless. It is us, the people, the universal human mind, loving our mother, our planet, our home. Through this act of envisioning, we will heal all the individual problems that are too numerous to list.

Do not worry about the problems. Do not focus on the problems. Focus on the vision of our planet wrapped in loving and healing light. The problems will resolve and rectify spontaneously as a result of this mind set. We are the creators. Our vision sets the mold. Let’s begin to work diligently and united to create our good.

Thank you, God. It’s a wonderful life that we live and magnificent world that we live in.

When you wake up in the morning, begin to send out love. During the day, whenever you remember to, send out love some more. And then at night before you go to sleep, send out love again. Before very long, you will discover that you are also sending out gratitude, because your life will keep getting better.

Mary Sue Wallace is a metaphysical author who has written several books, including Becoming Wise, A New Hope for Humanity: Ushering in the Age of Genius. Her extensive research on the nature of consciousness and the human psyche explores early teachings, such as Christ and Buddha, and then expands to modern-day philosophies, including Jiddu Krishnaurti and Ernest Holmes.


Rejoice! We Are Alive And Should Have Gratitude!  was originally published on