What are the pros and cons of getting the flu shot?

Pros: It keeps you and others around you that are vulnerable (i.e., very young children not able to get the shot or have contraindications). It is the single best way to prevent the flu. It can reduce complications from the flu such as a more serious infection like pneumonia or even hospitalization. It can reduce the need to miss work and reduce doctor visits.

Cons: You can get the flu. You can also have all the problems associated with getting the flu as mentioned before. Getting the flu is bad enough, getting other things associated with makes it worse. It’s just best to try and prevent it all.

A question about the flu vaccine. – the vaccine is developed from known strains of the flu, but isn’t the flu, like most viruses, constantly changing? So is the shot for each year, actually for the past year’s strains?

Excellent question. The shot is created off strains of viruses that are currently circulating throughout. So yes, it does include some strains that may have been circulating last year, but it also includes the shifts or changes that have already been seen. However, the shot does not and is not able to reflect the changes that could possibly come because we don’t actually know what those changes are or could be.

And although changes happen, it takes a while for an entirely new virus to be produced and for your immune system to not recognize it. Meaning, if we have a shift this year, the shot would still have some efficacy because the change in the virus will still resemble something in the shot and allow your immune system to identify it, mount a response, and protect you from experiencing the full effects of the virus.

Does Walmart offer the flu shot with no preservatives and no latex? I’m allergic to latex and this is the flu shot I have to always seek out.

Yes we do. We readily have available flu shots that are preservative and latex-free.

Would you recommend getting the flu shot or pneumonia shot if you’re H.I.V positive?

Absolutely. Being immunocompromised can put one at a higher risk of developing complications from the flu and from pneumonia. Both of those shots can prevent those complications.

If you have an autoimmune disease like lupus, should you get the flu shot?

Yes. Being immunocompromised can put one at a higher risk of developing complications from the flu and this can prevent those complications.

What’s the earliest age can flu shots be administered?

6 months

I’m 47 years old. I have never had the flu or the flu shot. Is it wise to start getting it now or let my body continue to do what it’s doing?

Your body is doing an excellent job at keeping you healthy but I will always advocate for one to get the flu shot. Just because you have not had it in the past does not mean you won’t every get it in the future and you should be protected.

If you’re already ill with a sinus infection, should you wait to get the flu shot?

You can get it now, as long as you are not running a mid to high-grade fever?

I have a 15-year-old who gets allergy shots once a month. How many days apart should I wait to get her the flu shot?

It can be administered anytime before or after an allergy shot.

How much for pneumonia shot?

I don’t have the cost right at hand, however, if you call your local Walmart they will be able to give you a quote. On another note, many insurances do cover it at no charge.

Is it safe for an asthmatic to get a flu shot?

Yes, very safe and highly recommended. 

I had GuillainBarré syndrome and can’t get the flu shot. What supplement can I take or are there other options?

First make sure you’re eating well-balanced nutritional meals, exercising and getting plenty of rest. This would ensure that you maintain a healthy body and immune system.

Also, I would recommend taking vitamins, herbal supplements, and minerals that can boost your immune system such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) or even doing  B complex liquid, Zinc, Selenium, and echinacea.

Will Walmart offer the inhaler version on the flu shot to reduce the pain associated with the shot?

We do offer the Flumist (the nasal form of the vaccine) if individuals would like to avoid the actual shot.

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