Obesity. Studies have shown that eating yogurt on a regular basis is associated with a healthy weight. In particular, eating yogurt is associated with less weight gain over time. And while yogurt, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are all associated with less weight gain over time, yogurt has the best effect.

Type 2 Diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, regular or Greek plain nonfat yogurt with little or no added sugar, can be a good choice for people with diabetes . Recent research shows that eating yogurt is associated with healthy levels of circulating glucose (blood sugar) within the normal range.


Lactose Intolerance. Yogurt can help lactose intolerant individuals meet their dairy requirement and obtain calcium, potassium and vitamin D – nutrients that most African Americans don’t get enough of. The live and active cultures in yogurt make it a more easily digestible alternative to milk. Also, on average, yogurt has less lactose (milk sugar) per serving than milk.

For tasty yogurt recipes click here and to learn more about the surprising power of yogurt click here.


Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, is nutrition advisor for the Dannon One Yogurt Everyday Initiative, past national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, specializing in African American nutrition, and author of the African American Guide to Living Well With Diabetes and Eating Soulfully and Healthfully With Diabetes.

The Surprising Benefits of Yogurt  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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