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2. Cracked heels and cuticles 

Summer is around the corner and that means sandals and fresh pedicures! No one should have to suffer from crunchy toes and feet, and nothing makes your hands look more unattractive than dry, hard cuticles. Try the sock method at bedtime for your feet. After showering, dry your feet then give yourself a nice foot massage with the shea butter. Slip your socks on so that by morning your feet will be soft and moisturized. For your cuticles, try keeping a small container of shea butter with you at all times so that you can moisturize your hands with it after every time you wash your hands, keeping your hands and cuticles soft.

3. Shaving

Love a fresh shave? Well, how about a shave that provides moisture, too? Instead of using store bought shaving cream, try slathering a layer of shea butter over the area you want to remove hair from. The shea butter will not only protect the skin from the razor, it will provide your skin with beneficial moisture it especially craves after a fresh shave. 

4. Bug bites

Just in time for the warm summer months when mosquitoes and the pesky bites they leave on your skin are a huge downside. Shea butter has anti-flammatory properties that help relieve the skin from bug bites. It rids you of the swelling, as well as subsides the aggravating itch.

5. Dermatitis and dry scalp 

Shea butter is effective in soothing a dry, itchy scalp or dandruff. It absorbs into the skin without leaving a greasy residue or clogging the pores. Being rich in vitamins A and E, it soothes dryness, repairs breakage and mends split ends.


5 Best Benefits & Uses Of Shea Butter  was originally published on

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