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Are you thinking about having children in the future? Well, it is never too early to start a conversation with your doctor about your reproductive health. Unfortunately, a lot of women don’t even approach the subject of their fertility with their doctor until they start trying to get pregnant and find that they are having difficulty.

If you are between age 20-40 and your doctor does not raise the subject, then you should. Whether you’re ready for pregnancy now or are just keeping your options open for the future, there are questions that you should be asking now.

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Ask your doctor to test your ovarian reserve. Women are born with about one million eggs in the ovaries, and from that point on egg supply is slowly dwindling down. This process speeds up in the mid- to late- 30s, which makes getting pregnant more challenging with age. A simple blood test to check your Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) level can provide information about your current egg reserve. As a woman’s egg supply declines, so does her AMH level. The AMH test is a routine lab, which can be completed by most standard laboratories.

Take Charge Of Your Reproductive Health: Be The Conversation Starter!  was originally published on

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