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Myth: I just started a new job and I have school loans to pay, there’s no way I can afford counseling. With the rise of the Affordable Care Act all Americans now have access to healthcare and are required to enroll in a health insurance plan. And if you are still enrolled in school you can stay on your parents’ health plan until age 26. Additionally, new employees are eligible for health insurance, which generally include some type of mental health benefit. But these days I have seen Millenials are seeking life coaches and counselors like myself without waiting for insurance. And although life coaches don’t usually accept insurance, they will most likely work with your current income to provide services at an affordable rate or set up a payment plan for you to still be able to receive help.

In the end, we all want to have a better quality of life. Some of us may even want to rewrite the stories we’ve been told through the years. I applaud this new generation of courageous souls who really make that statement true to them. Thank you, Millenials, for your bravery in writing a new history!


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The Biggest Myths About Black Millenials & Mental Health  was originally published on

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