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Sports drinks are important for those of us who exercise because it helps to restore the fluids and electrolytes that you lose during an intense work out, but they’re also loaded with sugar. Unless your workouts last longer than an hour, water is the best choice.

4. “Power” bars

We hate to break it to you, but a large portion of those energy, fiber and protein bars are just glorified candy bars! If you’re looking for something that’s really going to fill you up for hours, have a cup of raspberries and blackberries with a side of cottage cheese or Greek yogurt instead.

5. Trail mix

Tasty, yes. Healthy, no. Don’t get me wrong; some trail mixes can be delicious and nutritious, but only if they’re made with nuts and small portions of dark chocolate and real dried fruits. The reality is most trail mixes are loaded with M&M’s, chocolate chips, sugar-coated raisins, and banana chips. A single handful contains at least 300 calories! Opt for a handful of unsalted cashews or almonds instead.

Sorry, These Foods Aren’t As Healthy As You Think  was originally published on

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