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Sex addiction is a complex disorder typically associated with emotional baggage rooted in guilt, shame and depression. Many sex addicts use sex as a coping mechanism for childhood trauma or abuse that never received the proper treatment.

Although there is not an official test to diagnose sex addiction, experts believe if you meet three or more of the criteria below you may have an issue with sexual addiction:

  • Frequently engaging in more sex and with more partners than intended.
  • Being preoccupied with or persistently craving sex; wanting to cut down and unsuccessfully attempting to limit sexual activity.
  • Thinking of sex to the detriment of other activities or continually engaging in excessive sexual practices despite a desire to stop.
  • Spending considerable time in activities related to sex, such as cruising for partners or spending hours online visiting pornographic Web sites.
  • Neglecting obligations such as work, school or family in pursuit of sex.
  • Continually engaging in the sexual behavior despite negative consequences, such as broken relationships or potential health risks.
  • Escalating scope or frequency of sexual activity to achieve the desired effect, such as more frequent visits to prostitutes or more sex partners.
  • Feeling irritable when unable to engage in the desired behavior.

Treatments, such as behavioral therapy or medications to decrease hypersexuality, are available.


Is Sex Addiction Real?  was originally published on

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