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3. When You Have Committed A Crime

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised about how many people very blatantly brag on social media about the illegal movies they’ve downloaded or the clothes they’ve “borrowed” or even how they’ve illegally entered someone’s place.  If that’s you, stay off of social media

2. When You’re Obsessed With Someone

If you find yourself constantly checking someone’s facebook, twitter, AND instagram, it may be time for you to stop, take a break and get off of social media.  Evaluate why you are so interested in this person’s life and see if it’s really healthy for you.  Internet stalking is real, but it can be cured by logging off and doing something more beneficial.

…and the number ONE time you shouldn’t post on social media is…

1. When You Don’t Know All The Facts

This by far crosses across racial, ethnic and age lines.  There are so many untruths on social media, that it’s baffling.  One of the best things about the internet is also one of the worst things: that anybody can say ANYTHING at any time–even if it’s untrue.  Many of these so-called sites come up with crazy headlines just to get you to click or start mess.  Do your research. Find out the facts, then post.  Not before, not during.

If you follow even half of these suggestions, your time on social media will not only be more productive, it will be more fun!


7 Times You Should NOT Post To Social Media  was originally published on

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