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We have become so accustomed to putting on layers of clothes and accessories that we rarely embrace ourselves in our natural state. Participating in certain activities while in the nude such as reading, watching television or cleaning will help with bringing comfort to being in the natural state that we came from. When you love your body, your confidence is boosted, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Helps you see yourself through only your eyes

We are bombarded with so many images daily that project what the ideal of beauty is according to societal standard, but by sitting in the nude and taking in your body as it naturally is, you can become comfortable in your own skin and comfortable with what your own unique version of beauty is with no judgment from the outside world.

Being in the nude in this way isn’t something that is disgusting or sexual in nature.  It is a self-love exercise intended to bring harmony to the physical and spiritual being.  Try it out sometime and see for yourself how being in the natural can enhance your view of yourself and your life.



Go Naked For More Self-Confidence  was originally published on

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