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Wear compression stockings – These knee-high stockings apply gentle pressure to your ankles to help blood flow. Studies have shown that wearing these “flight socks” during flights of four hours or more reduced their risk of leg swelling and DVT significantly.

Avoid alcohol – Alcohol leads to dehydration and immobility.

Exercise your calves and feet  –  During your flight, take regular breaks to stand and walk up and down the aisle. To increase blood flow to your legs, try exercises like pressing the balls of your feet down hard against the floor or foot rest every so often.

Walk – That long walk to baggage claim after the flight is actually a good thing! If your bag isn’t checked, be sure to spend a little time walking right after your flight to increase circulation.

It’s normal to experience slight swelling (painless) after a long flight, but if you notice painful swelling and difficulty breathing during or after a long flight, please see your doctor immediately. If you are in a high risk group for DVT, it’s best to see your doctor before traveling.




Flight Risk: Tips For Preventing DVT While Traveling  was originally published on

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