Long after stressful situations have passed, we hold the emotions in our body. Reflexology and massage techniques can help to relieve stress by releasing tension in various muscle groups and  internal organs.  Adding aromatherapy into the mix helps with relaxing the body and releasing stress from the sinus cavity.

Promotes healthy cellular growth

Massaging the skin and muscles helps with promoting healthy cellular growth.  Cells go through a cycle of dying and regenerating themselves in every part of the body, and massage helps to facilitate this process.  Healthy cellular growth reduces one’s chances of contracting cancer.

Promotes a healthy mental state

When the body is relaxed the mind is relaxed and this is a great way to maintain mental health.  By allowing the mind to drift into a state of meditation while in a massage session, you can ease into a state of relaxation that will usher in peace and tranquility.  Participating in this type of activity bi-weekly will allow the mind to dump the garbage and debris of emotional baggage into the room and leave it there.



Bi-Weekly Massage: Self-Care or Selfish?  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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