Listen Live

It is typical for people within an argument to be quick to speak to get their point across, but in order for the issues to get resolved and to fully have an understanding of your partner’s point of view you must listen actively.  Don’t dismiss what your partner has to say simply so that you can respond with a rebuttal. Take your time to completely listen to your partner to understand his/her stance in the argument and give them the floor to get their thoughts completely out.

Write down your thoughts.

When listening to your partner, you will have thoughts or responses to certain points within the conversation. Instead of interjecting and interrupting your partner, write down your thoughts and talking points on a sheet of paper to keep your thoughts in order for when you have the floor to speak.  Doing things in this way will force you to listen actively and will help you sort out your thoughts logically instead of responding out of straight emotion that could lead the conversation down a path of heated debate.




The Great Debaters: How To Effectively Communicate During A Couple’s Dispute  was originally published on

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