It’s a fact that every woman was a girl first. Some of us had guidance, others were forced to learn by trial and error. A lot of women have made poor choices whether through naivety or a simple “fall from grace,” to make a decision in the heat of the moment that could have been deadly. Girls and women have found themselves pregnant, infected with STIs, or living with HIV/AIDS because they were ignorant to the facts of life.

Don’t forget to ask YOURSELF:

1. What messages and information about sex were given to me?

2. What did my mother tell me about sex?

3. What did my father tell me about sex?

4. What were some of the myths or misunderstandings I had about sex?

5. What do I wish I had known then that I know now?

6. Did those misunderstandings ever put me at risk?

This is where the conversation begins. Start talking…


Raising Empowered Girls: Talk Early, Talk Often  was originally published on

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