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A judge has dropped all murder charges against Michael Johnson (pictured) in Phylicia Barnes’ case, the Baltimore Sun reports. RELATED: Arrest Made In Phylicia Barnes’ Murder…

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The family of North Carolina high school student who was slain in Baltimore in 2010 will have to wait for justice a bit longer. Reports…

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Damn, Deena Barnes, what kind of big sister are you? Scores of people following the trial of a man named Michael Maurice Johnson are asking that same question. And Phylicia Barnes’ ghost might be asking the same thing. Phylicia, only 16 when she went missing in late December of 2010, was Deena’s baby sis. Phylicia’s […]

National News

A little more than a year after her lifeless body was pulled from the icy waters of the Susquehanna River, prosecutors say North Carolina teen Phylicia Barnes was asphyxiated by her half sister’s ex-boyfriend in December 2010. Michael Maurice Johnson was indicted on April 26 and charged with first-degree murder in the death of Barnes. […]