National News

Authorities say a woman accused of killing a young mother and abducting a 3-day-old boy had suffered a recent miscarriage. Officials in Montgomery County say Verna McClain had told her fiancé she had given birth to his child. After she had a miscarriage, McClain allegedly killed Kala Golden and abducted tiny Keegan Golden from outside […]

Top News

It was too much to expect from a country as consumed by hostility and jugglery as ours, but a saner society would have had a different take on the Trayvon Martin tragedy. The overwhelming sentiment of any civilization deserving of the name would be a profound sorrow and alarm over the sudden and unnecessary violent […]

Professional athletes, especially those who grew up poor or middle class have a lot to deal once they sign those big deals. Once just famous locally for their skills on the field or on the court they are immediately elevated to a new level of fame they often aren’t ready for. They’ve got money and […]