Family members of the victims are expected to attend the parole hearing, including Sarah Collins Rudolph, sister to Addie Mae Collins. Jones says he doesn't expect the parent's of Carol Denise McNair to attend, but reports her sisters will make an appearance.

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The Georgia Supreme Court sided with the KKK in its battle to adopt a stretch of a pubic highway. It's a key victory in the hate group's demand for free speech rights.

One of the most harrowing events to occur during the civil rights movement took place on this day in 1964. Three activists connected with the CORE organization were arrested and later killed in what has been alleged as a planned attack by the Ku Klux Klan. The brave young activists from the Congress of Racial […]

Westosha Central High School was recently the center of racial discord after a number of racial bullying incidents were brought to the administration's attention.

Westosha Central High School was recently the center of racial discord after a number of racial bullying incidents were brought to the administration's attention.

In conversation that spilled into CNN's Wednesday morning broadcast, contributor Van Jones, a former Obama staffer, and Jeffrey Lord, an ardent Donald Trump supporter, engaged in a fiery debate on Super Tuesday about race, the Democratic Party and the Ku Klux Klan.

Critics clapback saying that Americans deserve a president who isn't afraid to condemn white supremacists and hate groups.

Critics clapback saying that Americans deserve a president who isn't afraid to condemn white supremacists and hate groups.

App Feed, National News, News, Newsletter, Staff Picks

ANAHEIM, California (AP) — The home of Disneyland, the self-proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth, is also the town where the Ku Klux Klan once ran the City Council, patrolled city streets and rallied 10,000 people in a city park. That rally back in 1924 proved to be a turning point for Anaheim, which ousted the […]

App Feed, National News, News

It’s no surprise that Republican candidate Donald Trump has the support of white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, David Duke, who today encouraged his radio show listeners to volunteer for the mogul’s campaign. “Call Donald Trump’s headquarters [and] volunteer,” he said on the David Duke Radio Program. At Trump campaign offices, he […]

Police in Redmond, Washington are looking for a man who brought fear and panic to the owner of a Black thrift store last week after he dropped off a bag of clothes containing a Ku Klux Klan robe.

After images surfaced online of eight students at The Citadel wearing what appears to be KKK hoods, officials at the renowned public military college in Charleston, South Carolina suspended the students and launched a probe, according to CNN and The New York Times. Citadel students wear pillowcases, claim they were performing as “Ghosts of Christmas Past": […]