Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave several motivational speeches while he was alive. To celebrate his life on what was the 51st anniversary of his assassination, the D.L Hughley Show Crew shared their top 10 Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes. They’re in no particular order. To hear them listen to the audio above. Don’t Miss […]

If you’re single there are some things and terms you need to make sure you’re aware of. One of those is “cuffing season.” That phrase is used to mean it’s the time of year that people are looking to be in relationships, like winter. Another term you should know is “zombieing” which is when who ghosted […]

Bad breath is so unflattering! Most if the time people may assume someone’s breath stinks because they don’t brush their teeth or drink water. But, there are some surprising causes that people can’t control like diabetes, illness and medication. Sometimes if someone hasn’t eaten in a while it can cause their breath to smell bad. […]

Most people have sexual fetishes, even you. If you say that you don’t you’re lying! Some are super weird, and that’s okay but DL gives us a run down of some of the most common ones. So, you might not be as weird as you think you are! One of the most common fetishes is […]

People really hate being called racist. So much so that they’ll actually argue with you and try to convince you that they’re not racist. Oddly enough there are a few phrases that they love to use that actually aren’t that effective. Like, “why must everything be about race?,” or “I used to date a black […]

Just about any woman you come across will tell you that she hates being cat called. If you want to speak to a woman walk up to her and introduce yourself, cat calling almost never works. One of the most annoying cat calls is, “I don’t mean to offend you but…”, most of the time […]

For some reason there are a number of products that cost more for women than they do for men. Why? We don’t exactly know. But we can let you know what a few of those things are! One is deodorant…maybe women sweat more? Also razors cost more for women, probably because companies try to make […]

Ladies, or men…do you have your eye on a guy who could be that special someone?  If so, there are a few tricks you can use to peak his interest.  An obvious one is to start a conversation…duh. You can also try to strike up a friendship and take things slowly. But don’t forget to […]

In a relationship role play could be fun but it could also be funny! The DL Show crew gives the rundown of the top 10 hilarious things that could go wrong. One of them being if the stripper “slips a disk.” There’s nothing funnier than a failed attempt at being sexy. Share your role play […]

There are some things that women refuse to tell anyone but their sisters. If a woman is insecure about something she probably won’t go around telling the whole world but you can bet that her sister knows. On that same note, women will sometimes only share their big dreams with their sisters. Don’t Miss Out! […]

Fellas don’t give up on love! There are still some good women out there and there are single ones! But, there’s probably a reason why she’s single. Maybe she’s just enjoying the single life and not looking for a man. She could also be horrible at picking guys, she may have a thing for “bad […]

Women like to say that there are no good men left and that’s just not true. There are plenty of good men who are single and most of them are just single because they’ve been hurt before, they aren’t good in bed, or they’re not financially stable. Check out the audio above to hear the […]