
A lot of arguments between parents  stem from disputes over money, the division of household responsibilities and the idea of the guy hanging out too much. But how much is too much? Understandably, your dude going out every night is a problem, especially if he’s neglecting his duties at home. You would be surprised, though […]

A White House initiative makes ebooks Available to kids from low-income communities. One million access codes already distributed.

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If you’re a teacher who has ever taught K-12, do you ever think back and wonder what happened to some of those kids? Little Johnny, who worked your nerves because he always threw those doggone paper airplanes when he thought you weren’t looking. Nikki, who never seemed to be in a good mood. And David. […]

What does a nine-year-old girl who loves to read and write do? Write her own book, of course.

  Dr. Jessica Shepherd is a gynecologist and the founder of ‘Her Viewpoint,’ an online women’s health forum. She is also seen regularly as an expert on Dr. Oz, and CBS News.  She contributes to several leading publications including Women’s Day, Women’s Health, Essence and Just Parenting and for several blog posts including MadameNoire, Cafe […]

Little Chanel Nicole is hitting all of her baby milestones right before our very eyes.

  Having babies is a lot of work, from the second the little bundle pops out and on. So it’s no secret that doing so might visibly age you a bit as time goes on. Click on the audio player to hear more on this story in this edition of The Jazzy Report on The D.L. Hughley Show! […]

If you are an expectant mother, your most fervent hope is that your child be born healthy. But for an increasing amount of African-American mothers, that is not the case. The Centers For Disease Control are reporting a dramatic increase in the amount of African-American babies being born with an unusual birth defect. Gastroschisis, where […]

DL Hughley Show Trending

Investigators are still trying to find when the threat was made and who's behind it.

When Chicago community activist Andrew Holmes was sent a video of a child smoking marijuana, he quickly notified police.

Here's a list of the celeb babies we've rarely seen, if ever at all.

As Gary Owens, Ebony Steele and Skip Cheatham guest host, Gary opens up about his son, who tends to handle the usual teen frustration with his father quite strangely. Click on the audio player to hear him explain further on The D.L. Hughley Show. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Listen to the “The D.L. Hughley Show” LIVE weekdays 3-7 p.m. […]