Today, June 1, kicks off Black Music Month, and we’re celebrating it on the TJMS. I know what you’re probably thinking: The TJMS is a black radio show, and you play black music every day. Yeah, we do. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t take a month to look a little closer at something […]

Today, June 1, kicks off Black Music Month, and we’re celebrating it on the TJMS. I know what you’re probably thinking: The TJMS is a black radio show, and you play black music every day. Yeah, we do. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t take a month to look a little closer at something […]

I’m just going to put it out there: Y’all don’t know nothin’ about movie soundtracks. I can’t remember the last movie I went to where I came out of the theater wanting to go straight to the record store to buy the soundtrack. In fact, the last time I felt that way, there were still […]

As we wrap up Black Music Month, I realize that there are a lot topics I had wanted to discuss that I might not get to before the month runs out, which only makes sense because there’s no way something as rich, deep and wide as black music could be contained to one month. And, […]

Every generation has a song or group that speaks directly to them. Black folks have always had music that we felt belonged to us. In slavery times, we’ve learned that Negro spirituals like “Hush, Somebody’s Calling Your Name,” were more than songs that made them feel closer to God. They were often actual messages or […]