
When you hear the words “forensic psychiatry,” you most likely think of shows like “CSI” and “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” or those FBI profilers who come on news programs to discuss the psychology of a serial killer. It looks pretty sexy on a crime solving series, but forensic psychiatry is much more basic in […]

There are better meals in school cafeterias this year, thanks to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, designed to fight child hunger, combat obesity and improve the health and nutrition of the nation’s students. Schools are phasing in new nutrition standards over a three-year period, starting with lunches in this first year and moving […]

President Obama signed a proclamation last month declaring September National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and urged Americans to promote healthy living for their children. The Let’s Move site provides details for parents, educators and health care professionals to make eating right and exercising fun and entertaining for children. Renowned nutritionist Rovenia “Dr. Ro” Brock is […]

Got a question for Dr. Robin? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — We all know about finding comfort in food when we have the blues, a down day, or a need to protect ourselves from bigger hurts. But when the struggle is with food or relationships or money, the real culprit may be that we […]

Got questions about the gluten-free diet? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Many of us deal with abdominal pain, bloating or gas after eating a heavy meal, especially a meal loaded with bread and figure that it just comes with the territory. Some folks, though, have gluten intolerance, a condition in which people have a […]

An ABC News investigation raised questions about the safety of pediatric dentistry sedation. The report said more than a dozen children had died after sedation by dentists who were not properly trained to respond to emergencies that could arise through the use of sedatives. In some cases, the dentists used substantially more sedative than normal […]

Got a question about fibroids? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — While medical researchers have not been able to pinpoint exactly what causes uterine fibroids in women, studies have suggested that family history, a diet heavy with red meat and obesity may all be contributing factors. One study released this year by researchers at Boston […]

Got questions about fitness? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — From AJ Johnson: TRANSITION21 Day 1 Today is Day 1 of the new you! The fact that you are here means you are ready for a change?  You are curious about what has to be done to create your better?  You’ve tried everything you think […]

Got a relationship question for Dr. Ian Smith? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH) — Up until recently, I was among the people who hated reality TV. And there are some shows – like the popular one about a family of attention whores and the other about a group of women who used to be married […]

Got questions for the dietician? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). —- The meat-focused, heavy fat and sugar diet that many African-Americans consume is often blamed on “soul food,” but the roots of a true African-based diet are plant-based. Even through World War II, many black Americans who survived the Great Depression and food-rationing during the […]

Got a question for the doctor about migraines? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Anyone who has ever suffered a migraine knows it’s no ordinary headache. Migraine is a neurological disease that causes periodic, painful attacks, which affect about 12 percent of the nation’s population. Migraine headaches involve recurrent attacks of moderate to severe throbbing […]

Got a question about cancer and cancer myths? Text them to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Cancer can have devastating effects on families and communities. And cancer, like many other life-threatening diseases, hits the black community harder than any other group of people. Blacks are diagnosed with advance/late stage cancer more than their White counterparts. A major […]