About Michael H. Cottman, BlackAmericaWeb.com

presidential election in November if he doesn’t get substantial support from Hispanics. “It spells doom for us,” Romney said at a fundraiser last week. Romney’s sobering revelation is right on point — and for once, I agree with Romney. Doom is a powerful word for a politician who is running for the nation’s highest office; […]

There are 65 known white supremacist groups in the state of Georgia – racist organizations that believe a black man, President Barack Obama, has no place in the White House. And the hating is getting worse. Take Georgia bar owner Patrick Lanzo, a hate-filled resident who claims that he’s not a racist but insists on […]

Now that President Barack Obama has officially kicked off his re-election campaign for the White House, Obama’s senior strategists are setting their sights on Republican opponent, Mitt Romney — and mobilizing a grassroots, get-out-the-vote movement aimed at African-Americans, Hispanics and college students. “The energy and enthusiasm is real,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina told journalists […]

It now appears that George Zimmerman has a history of spewing racially incendiary remarks – crude comments that could surface during his upcoming trial for killing unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. A seven-year-old MySpace page offered a disturbing glimpse into Zimmerman’s thinking about Mexicans, his ex-wife and the police. “I dont miss driving around scared to […]

For many young African-Americans who are looking for jobs, the Obama administration says it’s committed to offering hope this summer in the form of a paycheck. “In January, we called on the private and public sectors to help us address record unemployment among America’s youth,” President Barack Obama said in a statement Wednesday. “Today, we […]

For the first time in this year’s presidential campaign, former president Bill Clinton shared the spotlight with President Barack Obama and told supporters in Virginia they should support Obama over Mitt Romney in November. “When you become President, your job is to explain where we are, say where you think we should go, have a […]

organized by Chairman Roslyn M. Brock, the NAACP has sponsored its annual Leadership 500 Summit that promotes a civic agenda for black professionals and “emerging leaders” in the modern-day civil rights movement. “This year’s Leadership 500 Summit is particularly important as the political campaign season begins; the baton of leadership is passing to the next […]

For Jim Messina, the president’s campaign manager, rallying the troops and keeping the electorate energized is part of his round-the-clock job description. When I interviewed Messina at the Obama campaign’s Chicago headquarters in October, Messina, the fast-talking strategist, predicted a very close presidential race this year –perhaps even tighter than the 2008 election — and […]

With millions of African-Americans at risk of being ineligible to vote in this year’s presidential election because of strict voter identification laws, a new report released Wednesday explains how civic organizations can help citizens of color obtain the required ID and vote in November. Thirty-two states have pending laws that call for voters to present […]

Mitt Romney’s latest vision for the nation defies rational reasoning. Romney, the billionaire Republican candidate for president, says he may eliminate the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and consolidate the U.S. Department of Education if he’s elected president in November. It’s a random concept that could have dire consequences for millions of African-Americans […]