About Michael H. Cottman, BlackAmericaWeb.com

As a co-host for “Keeping it Real with Al Sharpton,” a nationally syndicated radio show, I listened respectfully when a black caller questioned the reasoning for Saturday’s  March on Washington. Why attend another rally, he asked. Why call for another mass gathering for black protestors? Why bother? In fact, the caller said, Saturday’s march would […]

Lee Daniels, the director of “Lee Daniels’ The Butler,” believes America has become more racist since President Barack Obama – the nation’s first black commander-in-chief – took office in 2009. “I think that people are angry that he’s president,” Daniels told Piers Morgan on CNN this week.  “And I think that they are showing their […]

Maybe I’m old-school and too much of a traditionalist, but I prefer my pastor preaching from the pulpit about faith and spiritual uplifting, not pimped-out in gold necklaces, tinted goggles, black leather jackets, and pontificating on reality television. But that’s just me. I’m referring to a minister named Deitrick Haddon – the pimped-out preacher — […]

Two weeks ago, I wrote that it was open season on black men after a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty of killing unarmed Travyon Martin. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in northern Florida proved me right. It’s not even safe for a black man to stand on his own property without being shot. Last week, […]

I’m angered that Kevyn Orr, Detroit’s emergency manager, would approve the city’s plans to spend $400 million to build a new hockey arena when the city is broke and thousands of city workers are worried about receiving their hard-earned pensions. It’s a tragedy that Orr – and Detroit’s city administrators – are gambling with the […]

Is anyone black enough for Cornel West? Not only is West criticizing President Barack Obama at every turn, but now, for reasons that are unclear, West has taken aim at MSNBC, calling it a “Rent-A-Negro” network and then criticizing Rev. Al Sharpton for being on the “Obama plantation.” “I think that it’s been decrepit though, […]

Rev. Rodney Francis wants your toy guns. Francis, pastor of the Washington Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, is collecting toy guns in an effort to change the culture of violence among young black men in a city that recorded 113 homicides last year. The bold project is called the “Toy Gun Buy Back […]

I suppose Cornel West just couldn’t help himself. One day after his sidekick, Tavis Smiley, ripped President Barack Obama on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” West called Obama a “global George Zimmerman” during a rambling critique where West accused Obama of being hypocritical in his response to the Travyon Martin killing and George Zimmerman’s acquittal. “We […]

President Barack Obama finally told his truth about being black and male in America, a powerful 19-minute testimony that black people have been waiting to hear and white people needed to know. In a deeply personal reflection about racial polarization, Obama used his White House bully pulpit to steadfastly align himself with black men in […]

Tavis Smiley refuses to contain his contempt for President Barack Obama. And here’s the pathetic reality: Obama didn’t attend Smiley’s “State of the Black Union” conference in 2008 because he was campaigning for the White House and five years later, Smiley still can’t let it go. On Sunday, during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the […]

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told members of the NAACP Tuesday that Trayvon Martin’s death was “unnecessary” and “tragic” and questioned the wisdom of stand-your-ground self-defense laws that lead to George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the killing of the unarmed teenager in Sanford, Florida. “I want to assure you of two things:  I am concerned about […]