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As the world continues to get increasingly culturally diverse, that ethnic trend has naturally extended to education. In particular, college campuses in the United Kingdom have gotten considerably browner in recent years. Now, school administrators were reportedly sounding the alarm over apparent worry that Black students would eventually eclipse their white counterparts in Great Britain.

Not only has the enrollment of Black students surged, but fewer white males have also been accepted to the UK’s universities. That has caused some institutions of higher learning across the pond to launch recruiting efforts to ramp up their populations of Caucasian scholars, according to a new report from the Telegraph, a news outlet in the UK.

“Universities are setting targets to recruit more white male students after low numbers meant they are now classed a ‘minority group,’” the Telegraph wrote on Sunday.

The reaction bordered on an all-out panic over the fact that “White British students are in a minority at roughly one in ten institutions,” the Telegraph reported. “Meanwhile on certain courses such as pharmacy, business and some science degrees, more than seven in 10 students is from an ethnic minority.”

The esteemed Oxford University along with Aston and Essex Universities were reportedly among the schools that have consciously tried to attract in an increased number of white students in an apparent effort to offset the number of Black students. (It was just about eight years ago when it was reported that the U.K.’s two elite universities — Oxford and the University of Cambridge — were admitting a paltry number of Black students to their undergraduate programs.)

The drop in white enrollment coincided with an overall surge of students enrolling in UK colleges, showing “the number of white students has fallen by more than 34,000 since 2013/14 – a decrease of 2 per cent – while in total enrolments rose by 1 per cent in the same period,” the Independent reported earlier this year.

On the flip side, the number of Black students was up by 11 percent. Students belonging to other ethnicities, including Asian and “mixed ethnic backgrounds” also “saw significant increases,” according to the Independent.

Still, the odds were reportedly heavily stacked in favor of white students over Black ones. “[S]tudents are twice as likely to get in [to Oxford] if they are white compared with their black counterparts,” the BBC reported in May.

Meanwhile, the exact opposite was happening back in the U.S. at the nation’s historically Black colleges and universities, where white students were on pace to become the majority.

“In many cases, African-American students have ceased being a majority at HBCUs,” according to a report from Diverse Issues in Higher Education published this past summer. “At some, they are a small minority among a White majority.”


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British Colleges Panic As Black Students Inch Toward Becoming The Majority  was originally published on newsone.com