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The family of Ramarley Graham and hundreds of protesters rallied for justice Thursday night five years after the unarmed teen was killed by New York police officer Richard Haste, reports the Tribeca Patch.

From Tribeca Patch:

Graham’s family gathered in Foley Square on Thursday night, five years after the 18-year-old’s death, demanding that the officer who opened fire lose his job. The various review procedures have taking years to process the case, and they still aren’t done: Police officials still haven’t decided whether to fire or discipline Richard Haste, the white officer who fatally shot Graham.

The unarmed black teenager died in 2012, more than two years before Eric Garner was killed in a police chokehold on Staten Island and Michael Brown was gunned down by an officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

…Graham’s mother Constance Malcolm spoke before a sizable crowd in Foley Square on Thursday night, calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to step in and direct the head of the NYPD to discipline Haste and other officers present at the scene. “It’s a shame we have to be here five years later,” she said. “My son was just walking home and the NYPD decided they saw a gun.”

Malcolm had publicly praised her son as “loyal,” sharing memories of Graham giving money and loving his family, reports USA Today.

SOURCE: Tribeca PatchUSA Today


Ramarley Graham’s Family Demands Punishment For Cop Who Killed Unarmed Teen  was originally published on newsone.com