3. How often have you [the plastic surgeon] SUCCESSFULLY completed the procedure?

Ideally, he or she should have done the same procedure hundreds of times, over many years.

“Just because a site’s pictures look good, doesn’t mean they specialize in that service. A surgeon could offer a dozen different procedures but only have completed them once or twice. Read reviews and select someone who has successfully completed Brazilian butt lift, rhinoplasty, breasts implants, etc. countless times,” added Dr. Jones.

4. What are the potential risks and complications?

Although pain is expected during recovery time, know the risks and complications associated with anesthesia, possible infection, or worse, death. Also, steer clear of plastic surgeons or “cosmetic spas” that promise a risk-free procedure. This is a HUGE red flag, as there’s no such thing.

5. Where will the surgery take place?

Dr. Jones revealed many black market and overseas “surgeons” complete cosmetic procedures in “sketchy” locations, like back alley hotel rooms, suspicious off the map properties; or unaccredited doctor’s offices. If you’re getting a procedure done by a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only place you should be operated on is in a hospital or accredited* surgical facility – like an outpatient or ambulatory surgery center.

*Accreditation means that the facility adheres to strict safety and quality standards. You can double-check accreditation here. (http://www.aaaasf.org/)

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Going Under The Knife  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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