MYTH: You can treat or prevent UTIs by drinking cranberry juice.

Sure, cranberries contain an active ingredient that may prevent bacteria from sticking to the wall of your bladder. Unfortunately for those looking for a home remedy, guzzling down a liter of Cran-Apple juice just doesn’t contain enough of the ingredient to be effective.

MYTH: Getting more than one UTI is dangerous

They’re incredibly common! While your doctor may want to look into your case more closely (if you’ve had several in a 6-month period), to ensure nothing more serious is going on. It’s not uncommon for some women to have reoccurring symptoms.

MYTH: You can’t prevent it.

Just because UTIs are common, does not mean you can prevent getting an infection. Drinking plenty of water, wiping from the front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement, and urinate after sex can help reduce risk of infection. Also, avoiding vaginal deodorants, douches and powders, as well as not delaying a sudden urge to urinate are just a few more ways to cut down your risk.

For most women, UTIs go away on their own. If you think you may have a UTI, it’s a smart idea yo see your doctor. When left untreated, the infection can spread to your kidneys and become a more serious issue.



5 Things Every Women Should Know About UTIs  was originally published on

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