2. Switch it up.

Always wear your part in the middle? Always clip one part of your hair? Always wear a headband? Try switching it up sometimes. Not only will you take stress off your strands, but life is short. Why not wear a variety of styles?

3. Give those hot tools a break.

“Protective styles are styles that keep all heat, chemicals and excessive tension off the hair and scalp,” Clarkson says. Pulling out the flat iron every now and then is not so bad. Using the flat iron every day or passing through your hair four of five times? Now, that’s a problem! If you do have to use a flat iron every day, always use a heat protectant and invest in a high-quality flat iron that will straighten your hair with just one pass.



Black Women & Preventing Traction Alopecia  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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