Being in treatment does not only mean medication or an inpatient stay in a psych ward. It means addressing family issues, problems on the job, or even suppressed childhood abuse.

Of course, chemical imbalances, drug use and other organic stimulants may cause mental illness and may require medication but a lot of times those who are diagnosed are just hurting and require some understanding.

Early treatment can mean a normal life for patients suffering with mental illness. As a family member it is okay to sit down with the loved one and just ask, “What is going on?” Avoid judgmental words like, “crazy” or “stupid.” Offer to go to a counseling session with them to show support.

If you are a person who feels like something may be wrong, don’t be afraid to discuss it with a doctor. In order to ensure total body health, the mind has to be taken care of as well.


What’s At The Root Of Black Mental Health Stigma?  was originally published on

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