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Little Tami

Now that the trip to London was soon approaching, Ev decided to extend the invitation to their new friend, Tasha. Ev warned Tasha  that Suzie would be coming on the trip as well and wanted to hear her thoughts on the whole situation. Tasha said she was over the whole situation, but that she still felt some type of way about Suzie after their encounter at the hotel. Tasha was extremely upset that during the argument Suzie brought up Tasha’s husband which was a definite no-no in Tasha’s book. The best solution seemed to be either stay away from each other or make amends. I think I like the former better than the latter.

Ev let Suzie know that Tasha would be coming on the trip with the girls and Suzie promised to leave “Little Tami” a.k.a her bully attitude behind. But then later in the episode, Suzie met with Tami to discuss the upcoming excursion and Suzie explained that she might need her “Little Tami” to back her up in case Tasha got a little crazy. If Suzie brings her new found attitude across the pond things are bound to get crazy, but of course it wouldn’t be the girls if someone wasn’t popping off.

Tune in next week to see how it all plays out, but first tell me: do you applaud Suzie’s new attitude or does she need to fall back?

‘Basketball Wives’ [RECAP]: Is Suzie The New Tami?  was originally published on

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