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An eighth grader from Yorktown, Virginia penned a heartbreaking letter about the racism he’s experienced at his middle school, The New York Daily News reports.

Za’Khari Waddy said the constant bullying and racial taunts began after he moved to the area with his mother, Zettrona Powell. The honor student said he’s been asked by fellow students at Tabb Middle School if he was going to rape a student, or rob them. Za’Khari, who will be 14 in December, has also been called the n-word on numerous occasions.

Powell said she discussed the racist behavior with the school administration, but nothing has been done to stop it.

So, Za’Khari deals. But on Oct. 27, during a bus ride in which a fellow student spewed hateful and racist insults at him, the teenager reached his “breaking point.”

He wrote the letter below to the faculty.

To Whom It May Concern:

Yesterday on the football bus coming from our football game a kid … started saying racist things to me. He then started saying he does not like blacks and he told me 200 years ago my ancestors hung from a tree and after he said that I should I hang from a tree. That made me super mad, so in the locker room I told him not to call me n—-r or that I should be hung on a tree. The coaches took me away from the kid because I was really mad and they think I was going to fight him but I want someone to do something about it because I’m tired of boys messing with me because of my skin. I’m at my boiling point with this. Please do something about this because when I bring it to the office/principle you do nothing about it and I’m tired of the racism.

School officials told Za’Khari not to allow the insults to “get to him.” But Powell doesn’t see how that’s possible.

“This has crushed my son’s spirit,” his mother told The New York Daily News. “When my son got off the bus he threw his backpack, the coaches came in and told him ‘don’t let it get to him.’ How can he not allow this to bother him mentally? This has mentally damaged my son.”

In addition to asking for the students to receive a serious punishment, Za’Khari’s mother has asked the school to facilitate a meeting between her and families of the multiple boys who have harassed her son, but nothing has been done.

The school refused to provide the Daily News’ Shaun King with a statement, citing the “student’s privacy.”

SOURCE: The New York Daily News | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform


Black 13-Year-Old Pens Heartbreaking Letter To Middle School About Racism  was originally published on