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Horoscopes for the week of January 25th

What does it mean to be whole? What does it mean to love yourself? These are questions I have asked time and time again, as there is no instruction manual and the concepts are vast, thus difficult to comprehend. This is the problem I have with such new age notions that typically come straight from the mouths of the spiritual “experts” and gurus; there is an assumption that these things are easy to define, achieve and sustain. I wish someone would tell the truth that it’s harder than you think (even for Mr. Deepak Chopra), especially to those of us who were born human.

In a society that is results-oriented, we often forget that the journey towards a long held dream is equally important; I would argue more important. It’s not enough to aim for wholeness or self-love; you have to go through the motions in order to fully grasp what it means, what it looks like, and how it feels. Being “whole” requires you to create a healthy relationship with you first and foremost, while self-love requires you to consistently perform acts and make decisions that affirm your inherent worth. This takes practice, and you may never get the results you want. But what you do gain in the process is invaluable.

Piscean energy above just quadrupled courtesy of Venus’ entry into the sign of the Fish, and those experiences that offer an opportunity to transcend will be highly sought after. Anything that benefits you in this way is always worth pursuing if you can detach yourself from the results, keeping in mind that you will have to do the work necessary. The spiritual lesson in all this is to love yourself no matter the results; you may just come close to fully realizing wholeness. Ultimately, the journey is a means to an end.

Check your horoscopes below to see what’s in store, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at

Aries: There is nothing wrong with creating a vision for your future that represents the life of your dreams. But said vision will not manifest if you fail to acknowledge your reality, along with what needs to be done if you hope to bring your dreams to fruition. Quit finding distractions Aries; they are not doing you any good. Imagine world is not the real world; an action plan must be put into place if you hope to attain the desired results. It’s time to wake up dear Ram. No more daydreaming. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Taurus: You can’t expect to build upon the connections you make if you are unwilling to invest in them, Taurus. You have to give in order to get, and playing nice will only get you so far. If you are being honest, the two-step back and forth is really just your way of maintaining control over the situation. But it seems you already know what you want, so why not join forces and collaborate? Doing so will only increase your chances of success. You are going to have to trust, and go deep. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Gemini: New connections made could really influence you to change career tracks and take on the vocation of your dreams. But how badly do you want it, Gemini? Being offered your dream job is much better than just talking about it! Of course, your commitment will be necessary, especially if forming a business partnership. Could this be why you are hesitating? In all relationships, you must learn to walk your talk dear Twins. No more pussyfooting around. It is time to make your move. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Cancer: If you are aiming high these days, looking to broaden your personal experiences while stretching beyond what is familiar, you must act like it, starting with how you carry yourself and manage your day-to-day. It is pointless to grow and expand when your foundations on the ground are unstable. When you can tend to your health, tighten up your routines, create better habits, and do what’s necessary to minimize stress, your life will become more adventurous, full and liberating. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Leo: Let’s face it Leo, you desire more intimacy in your life. You also want to feel more secure when it comes to your dealings with others. But you can’t have these things with just anybody. It’s time to ground your romantic notions, as well as certain creative ideas that you think will bring you riches and fame. Be practical with what you want, doing the work required to steadily attain your goals. Take your time, in other words. You will find all the intimacy and security you need in the process.  This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Virgo: Venus in the sign of Pisces increases your chance for love or a new relationship. But in order to build what it is that you desire with a significant other, you are going to have to understand your emotional needs and ask that they be acknowledged. Your needs do matter; while you enjoy being of service to others, it is time for others to be of service to you. Whatever past conditioning you experienced that presently keeps you from expressing deep feelings needs to be dealt with, stat. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Libra: A gym buddy or a new health regimen may work wonders for you this week, while guidance from others will go a long way in helping you to get a better grip on your daily affairs and responsibilities. But don’t let any headway in this area distract you from other decisions and ideas that require your commitment – namely educational programs or initiatives that you wish to pursue. As you work to expand your knowledge base and skill set, daily rituals will need adjusting.  This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Scorpio: In order to invest in a creative project (whether a physical child or a brain child) you need money, right? Ok, I’m glad we agree! You may want to scale down your lofty ideals, then, if you can’t really afford it. It’s great to invest your resources in recreational activities, speculative ventures, artistry or whatever seems fun at the moment. But to do so on a whim without fully calculating any financial risks (or personal risks if this does involve a whirlwind romance) would be ill advised. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Sagittarius: Ultimately, home is where the heart is. If you are experiencing emotional unease, living in an uncomfortable setting, or having to deal with unruly relatives, the best way to manage the situation would be to come back to your self and find your center. I realize that this is not the advice you want to hear, Sagittarius. But you are being tested, and the test requires that you become your own personal authority in any attempt to navigate those events that leave you feeling unsettled. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.  

Capricorn: If you can’t get to the bottom of what’s going on for you behind the scenes Capricorn, you will find it all the more difficult to communicate with others important pieces of information. Surface level understanding will no longer suffice; you need to go deeper, which involves you going deeper within. As an Earth sign, your preference is to keep things practical – nothing personal, just business. But the universe is asking for a little more from you. Time to get to the root of something. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Aquarius: Your dreams for the future need to be revised Aquarius, and in a way that is more practical and realistic. It will be impossible for you to sustain your level of ambition without curtailing certain spending habits, or getting clear with what you value the most. Tests will come that may restrict your ability to explore all of the ideas you have when it comes to your vision, and it would behoove you to ensure that those you choose to assist operate under a similar moral code. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Pisces: Career matters continue to intensify this week, as you become increasingly adamant that you be the one to dictate the terms of any agreement. You’ve never been this assertive, Pisces; your tendency is to waiver and ultimately sacrifice the things that are important to you. But this time is different, and there is too much at stake for you to settle for anything less than what you desire. Authority figures might make it difficult for you to pursue what it is you want; try a little charm. This is the LAST week to book your 2015 New Year’s Astrology reading! Visit for more details.

Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer and certified Life Coach in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. With over 15 years of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below, while her coaching services motivate you to live a fully empowered life! You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit