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What is your favorite kind of stain?


One piece of clothing you own that you absolutely couldn’t live without?

A white T-shirt.

You have always carefully sculpted your image and controlled public access to your off-stage life. Is there anything to envy about stars who don’t care about safeguarding their private lives?

I have chosen to keep certain aspects of my life private. But I also love sharing what makes me happy, especially through photography.

Is there a sex scandal in history that you find not so scandalous, and instead just kinda awesome?

Antony and Cleopatra. The legend of that love affair affected history and lives to this day.

A number of magazines list the top X number of ways to please your lover. Anything missing on these lists typically?

If you have to read those lists, you’re already in trouble.

What’s boring to you?

Lack of creativity.

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Beyonce Poses Nude For FLAUNT Magazine  was originally published on

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