When you think of Baltimore these days, if you live outside the city limits, you likely think of the 2015 uprising and its devastation or the mean streets of West Baltimore, where much of the classic HBO TV series The Wire was filmed. You might even think of the TV shows Homicide or The Corner, […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Adults think that black girls are less innocent, less in need of protection and nurturing, and seem older than similarly aged white girls, which could lead to stiffer punishments in school, a new report said Tuesday. The report also said American adults think black girls know more about adult topics and about […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — Adults think that black girls are less innocent, less in need of protection and nurturing, and seem older than similarly aged white girls, which could lead to stiffer punishments in school, a new report said Tuesday. The report also said American adults think black girls know more about adult topics and about […]


AND, she's a straight-A student!

Russ Parr Show Trending

Gabriela McBride is a dancer and poet, and is working to overcome stuttering.


Over the past couple of years, The term “black girl magic” has become commonplace in our vocabulary for good reason. Black girls and women have been showing extraordinary skill in everything from academics to athletics. Even in entertainment, Black women and girls are breaking out of traditional, stereotypical roles to ones that show complex characters with […]

Black female students are facing two huge institutional challenges as racism and sexism converge in a way that mean stiffer punishments for them. A new…

Black female students are facing two huge institutional challenges as racism and sexism converge in a way that mean stiffer punishments for them. A new…

“Women of color struggle every day with biases that perpetuate oppressive standards for how they’re supposed to look and how they’re supposed to act. Too often, they’re either left under the hard light of scrutiny, or cloaked in a kind of invisibility.” – President Barack Obama The White House is highlighting the litany of social and economic […]