About Get Well Wednesday

It may be cold out right now but that doesn’t keep some people from sweating. It’s a condition called hyperhidrosis and if you have it, you know how embarrassing it can be. Dr. Rani Whitfield shares more about the condition and how to combat it. WHAT EXACTLY IS HYPERHIDROSIS? Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) is abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily […]

WHAT ARE THREE WINTER HEALTH AILMENTS THAT ARE COMMON DURING THIS SEASON? IS THERE A WAY TO AVERT THEM?  The three most common winter health ailments are: The Flu, The Common Cold and Winter Sore Throats. The winter season can be absolutely miserable if you are not prepared. There are no cures for any of […]

CAN YOU ACTUALLY DIE WHILE DETOXING FROM ALCOHOL? Absolutely. When a person is dependent upon alcohol, an alcoholic, the body gets accustomed to having the alcohol in the blood stream and accommodates to having it there. When the person stops drinking the body detects this as a deficiency and reacts to it causing both mental […]

Dr. Rakotz currently serves as Vice President of Improving Health Outcomes at the American Medical Association (AMA), where he oversees efforts to develop and implement national quality improvement initiatives aimed at improving blood pressure control and preventing type 2 Diabetes. He is the AMA’s clinical lead of Target: BP® – a nationwide, multi-year collaboration with […]

Dr. Jen Caudle returns to discuss a serious, but underreported medical issue – sleep apnea. It’s believed that apnea is a dangerous condition that many people don’t know that they have. Here’s more on the condition and how to treat it: What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a common disorder that causes your breathing […]

An article published recently in Psychology Today reports that so-called millennials (born roughly between 1988 and 1994) are developing an entitlement complex – believing they are superior to others and are more deserving of certain things.  BASED ON YOUR EXPERIENCE, DO MOST MILLENNIALS FEEL SOME FORM OF ENTITLEMENT THAT THE PRIOR GENERATIONS DID NOT? I have […]

When you have to go to much, you might have overactive bladder syndrome, the frequent and urgent need to urinate, unrelated to water intake and with a sense of immediacy. Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu provides some more information on the disorder’s symptoms and treatment for this week’s Get Well Wednesday. WHAT IS OVERACTIVE BLADDER (OAB)? Overactive […]

Last season of “Rickey Smiley For Real” left fans feeling very emotional and wanting to hold family members a little tighter.

Griffin P. Rodgers was named Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)–one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)–on April 1, 2007. He had served as NIDDK’s Acting Director since March 2006 and had been the Institute’s Deputy Director since January 2001. As the Director of NIDDK, Dr. Rodgers provides […]

Dr. Carla Spann received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery at  Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry  in Dallas, Texas.  She offers a compassionate and conservative approach to dentistry, believing patient education is paramount to success in both resolving and preventing oral health issues. She is particularly skilled in helping fearful patients relax during their […]

Janna Andrews knew at an early age that she wanted to be a doctor. Raised by her mother, Janna’s academic pursuits were encouraged and supported through her mother’s sacrifice. Janna attended Princeton University and majored in molecular biology. She then attended Temple University School of Medicine, after which she specialized in radiation oncology. Since returning […]

WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF TATTOOS? Tattoos have been around forever with the earliest evidence of tattooing dating back to 3000 BC! This is fascinating when you think about it – because a tattoo is basically a deposition of pigment or colored ink under the skin using needles. The tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine […]