About Get Well Wednesday

Have a love question for Dr. Rachel? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — Dr. Rachael Ross is worried about the state of male-female relationships, based in part on a conversation with a teenaged patient who told her, when asked if he had a Valentine, that he liked a girl well enough for sex, but not […]

Got a question about the flu? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that the 2012-2013 flu season is particularly bad. The virus has spread to 47 states and 20 people have died so far this season. And, CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden said, it […]

Anyone who has shed a significant amount of weight knows that the worst part of taking it off is the dreaded plateau. It’s that place where after dropping pounds like unwanted suitors, you suddenly can’t shake them off. It’s where it is easy to get discouraged and give up and begin that long, slow creep […]

Written by Jackie Jones, BlackAmericaWeb The most important thing black men can do for themselves, and their lovers, is to get eat right, exercise, get regular checkups and go to the doctor when something seems off-kilter. That latter issue, especially when it affects a man’s sex life, is particularly important. Many men are afraid they […]

There is an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is a message that B. Waine Kong takes to heart. The psychologist and contributing editor and consultant for Black Health Matters believes that black Americans should receive great medical care when warranted, but that it is more important […]