
Coach Tanysha Renee Shares 5 Exercises Every Woman Can Benefit From

Coach Tanysha


Owning a TONAL at-home gym comes with way more benefits than simply being able to bench press before bed or do some strength training during a commercial break of riveting television like TV One’s Unsung. The wide-range list of personal coaches that you get to choose from is a gift in itself as well, giving you the option at your fingertips to bond with someone that will motivate you while also feeling like a person you might grab a coffee with. Some examples you’ve got include the attainable and sustainable coaching style of Ackeem Emmons, the keys to getting lean on the green by pro golfer Michelle Wie West, the mix of humor plus a sense of promise that comes from coaching with Tony Horton and, which we highly recommend, the “tenacious and intentional” coaching style of Tanysha Renee.

With a skincare regime and overall chokehold on the world of cosmetics that could even give her career as a personal trainer a run for its money, Tanysha embodies all that it means to be a woman in full charge of defining her destiny. In this special ELEV8 Exclusive, we let her take the POV for an eye-to-eye lesson in how staying in shape physically can also resonate both mentally and spiritually. Her story doesn’t come without its share of trials and tribulations, which she was quite willing to share with us while also giving a quick tutorial on what general exercises can benefit the everyday woman, especially.

Even without a TONAL device to call your own though, these workouts, stretches and movements in general that Tanysha takes us through can easily be mimicked without equipment or customized to fit your personal pace. Pay attention to the flow of the workout, but more importantly be sure to take heed in the gems being dropped verbally by someone with certified knowledge of the subject at hand.

Let TONAL coach Tanysha Renee guide you below in our ELEV8 Exclusive on tapping into the mind, body and spirit on your own terms.


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Coach Tanysha Renee Shares 5 Exercises Every Woman Can Benefit From  was originally published on elev8.com